I am having an issue where I am trying to query a subquery by a field, and I have tried the emulator as well as firebase support (still on going, but not soluti
I have a question about Firebase Database security rules. I want only some documents to be reflected in the application. I tried to create a "published" field i
My firebase realtime database structure: stores -store1234 -data -specialKeyForStore1234 -store4567 -data -specialKeyForStore4567
I would like to prevent deletion of data in Firebase Realtime Database based on a condition. A user that is not author should be able to update the "note", but
If you look at the screenshot you can see that the simulated test passes: It restricts adding user data to the users node if the uid does not match. You can
I have a SwiftUI application, which uses Firebase as a back end, and my rules are something like this: rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /d
i've been searching for a lot of problem that relate with this but i still didn't find the solution the error say Accessing hidden method Ldalvik/system/CloseG
My Firestore rule: match /app/info { allow read; } My code: FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection('app') .doc('info') .snapshots()
I want to set the security rules of the storage to be that only data that send from my web (specific web url) can be stored. Otherwise no one can write and read
Imagine we have Chat application and in this application, we have many rooms, some private and some for everyone. Every room has an admin who can manage users (
I have a cloud function that is triggered by updates to storage. when I deploy any function that utilises cloud storage, I get an error code 7 and an insufficie
I'm trying to setup my testEnvironment for testing my firestore rules with my locally running emulator. When i try to access testEnv it is undefined, and I gues