Category "firebase"

Firebase functions: cloud storage triggers not working because of insufficient permissions

I have a cloud function that is triggered by updates to storage. when I deploy any function that utilises cloud storage, I get an error code 7 and an insufficie

Firebase 3 - We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity

I was testing my login/sign up feature and for some reason I can't understand Firebase now is blocking all requests from my device. I've waited one day to try

Firebase CocoaPods Installation Not Working

I'm trying to install Firebase via CocoaPods for my Objective-C iOS Application. My Podfile is as follows: target 'RandomName' do pod 'Firebase/Core' pod 'Fire

Store files with unique/random names

With the new Firebase API you can upload files into cloud storage from client code. The examples assume the file name is known or static during upload: // Creat

Firebase FCM force onTokenRefresh() to be called

I am migrating my app from GCM to FCM. When a new user installs my app, the onTokenRefresh() is automatically being called. The problem is that the user is not

Firebase phone authentication is not working on Android real device

I've been trying to achieve phone auth using Firebase authentication. It's working with an android emulator. I used a test number and a real number in the emula

Firebase Storage await uploadTask.onComplete outdated

Im using this code. The error message is the following: error: The getter 'onComplete' isn't defined for the type 'UploadTask'. (undefined_getter at [chatneu] l

Could not find

I am new to firebase and try to implement firebase in next project. I included dependencies as below but it shows the above error. I would be grateful if anyone

Angular 13: Namespace '"/node_modules/firebase/compat/index"' has no exported member 'User'. ts(2694)

1st error: Namespace '"D:/desktop/Programming/oauthAngular/node_modules/firebase/compat/index"' has no exported member 'User'. 2nd error: Type 'import("D:/desk

Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_FIRApp

I m trying to add Firebase Analytic and Firebase Crashlytics using Swift package manager here is a link of git for firebase SDK

Flutter FirebaseAnimatedList Chat - Scroll to new messages

I am making a simple chat with Firebase and Flutter. I am using FirebaseAnimatedList but I have a problem. By default, the list is ordered from oldest message o

how to resolve the iOS deployment target issue in flutter

I am facing this issue related to IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET while build the flutter application for the ios platform repeatedly, I am not able to understand h

Integrate firebase notificaiton in nest js

I am trying to create fcm API using nest js which I am using in a flutter. I am new to Nest js and I have implemented the code using this. There is no error in

Firebase error "auth/argument-error" when trying to sign in with Google/Facebook

Below is the relevant code. The error auth/argument-error is thrown when the method signInWithPopup gets called: import { AngularFireAuth } from "@angular/fire

Flutter: CocoaPods's specs repository is too out-of-date to satisfy dependencies

Current, I was trying to add firebase_core: ^0.5.0+1 and firebase_crashlytics: ^0.2.1+1 packages in my flutter project with the latest versions, It works withou

Export Firebase to Bigquery dataset time to live

Update: I found a solution for my first question meaning changing to never expires: I applied this code to my dataset and the firesbase console now showing neve

add Crashlytics in project have Dexguard

I am tired to sync my project whit Crashlytics. in my app using Dexguard and in release app is not synced whit Crashlytics. and add this code in Dexguard file:

Android Firebase: Set Value not working

I am trying to add an test value to Firebase Database by following code: FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance(); DatabaseReference ref = F

Android - Firebase ServerValue.TIMESTAMP returns "{.sv=timestamp}"

I have to save ServerValue.TIMESTAMP in my Database but it must be a string. When I type String.valueOf(ServerValue.TIMESTAMP); or ServerValue.TIMESTAMP.toStrin

How Firebase Cloudfunction check IAP subscribe changes outside from App?

I do the tutorial from CodeLab his project with all steps are here Github. Codelab helped me lot, Thanks! I do the steps and deleted all IAP products from tutor