There is a package on pub but this is not updated for a very long time. So, is there a way to create ow
I am currently trying to navigate back to the existing screen from an opened alert dialog box. When I try to do so using this code: onPressed: () => Na
I have created a dialogue box which displays when a number exists in Firestore when registering a new user. However by default Android seems to be positioning t
I have a SingleChildScrollView, its scrollDirection is set to Horizontal with 5 child widgets placed inside a Row Widget. I want to programmatically scroll to t
Here I want to share image which I get through API. I tried different method for this functionality but I did not get any solution because every solutions have
I want to parse the following string to its equivalent Flutter widgets: String fetchedFromServer = ''' Container( child: Text("Hello") ) '''; I want to r
I am trying to figure out why the drawer widget is not rendered in my Flutter Web page. import 'package:responsive_builder/responsive_builder.dart';
I have a WebView page with multiple links. By clicking the links it will open another WebView page with a close button. If I click the close button, the current
I am using persistent_bottom_nav_bar 4.0.2 for implement bottom navigation bar though out the app. It actually works fine with bottom navigation bar items and r
Hello right now I am making Quran App.. I am fetching data from json file.I would like to ask how do I create a new line if it overflows like in the picture? I
Im trying to implement a DropdownButton that can separate specific items from each other with a title (see desired output on image below, the titles are in gree
getting this issue when we click on back camera while using the app .. any one could you please find and send the solution to this issue in flutter Exception ha
it stops before last element in list. Is there a way to go till the end container of the last element controller ..animateTo(
I'm currently working on a project which requires a listview as a child of ScrollView. I added a scroll controller in the listview and a scroll listener in the
I have a container which i want to expand one i click the down arrow button. If you look in this picture (, y
I am Beginner to Flutter just following the YouTube tutorial on building User Profile while doing everything is OK but Theme Provider gave me the error I didn't
I'm developing a quran app with flutter and i've done most of the work. but when it comes to the proper alignment it doesn't work. output image is here I'm doin
I'm trying to subtract the height of the keyboard from the height of the screen so I can apply that value to the height property of my listview container. This
If I want to translate any Widget in my flutter app, I will use below code. Transform.translate() Translate function required Offset (dx,dy). But I want to f
I'm using SQLite for storing data locally. insert an image as a string and get them to show here is the error that occurs _Exception (Exception: Invalid image d