Category "stream"

How to add unique entries of Map<String,Object> to List<Object> using Java Streams?

I have a List<Object> element in Java which contains Map<String, String> before adding a new Map<String, String> I would like to know if there

How to find the sessions time from a stream of user login events in python?

Given User Login Events continuously appearing in a stream processing system similar to this, where each line is 1 event (you can assume the pipeline is externa

Flutter: convert future to stream

I am getting data as Future from my json API. And use my Flutter Mobile app. Here is my code for getting data from API- import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:conver

I keep getting the error `Central Directory corrupt` when trying to use ZipArchive

My code looks like below. public async Task<MetaDataItem> GetMetadata(Stream sm){ using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(sm, ZipArchiveMode.Read,

Difference between Web Streams and Node.js Stream APIs

I'm building a file upload application to familiarize myself with the concept of streams. I'm trying to turn a file list or blobs into a stream then upload it t

Get Count of json key using Java Stream

I have a json object that looks like this [{ "startAt": 1617605301292, "endAt": 1617605317095, "duration": 1580

How to filter streams values?

from pytube import YouTube yt = YouTube('') print(yt.streams) I am using pytube to download videos, but running the code

ListView not displaying item with BLoC pattern

I'm a flutter beginner and I'm currently working on an app that let me take a photo and then update a ListView to display the photo with a little text descripti

How to stream the desktop using FFMPEG , and set the output to

i am trying to use FFMPEG on windows to stream my entire desktop, through my localhost address : , and it will be accessible from another compute

How do I fix a "System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: TypeError: Failed to fetch" in Blazor WebAssembly?

The code below, runs for about fifteen seconds on the "dataFs = await _Http.GetStreamAsync(BODIST_DATA_HTTPNAME)" line before failing with a "System.Net.Http.Ht

Limit of 1024 stream entries in the handler in DolphinDB subscription?

n=1000000 tmpTrades = table(n:0, colNames, colTypes) lastMinute = [00:00:00.000] colNames = `time`sym`vwap colTypes = [MINUTE,SYMBOL,DOUBLE] enableTableShareAnd

How stream a response from a Twisted server?

Issue My problem is that I can't write a server that streams the response that my application sends back. The response are not retrieved chunk by chunk, but fro

How large should my list of objects be to warrant the use of java 8's parallelStream?

I have a list of objects from the database and i want to filter this list using the filter() method of the Stream class. New objects will be added to the databa

How can I filter a stream in Flutter?

I am new to flutter/dart and within this page, I have a list of "information resources" populating the screen with a widget I've created called InformationResou

How to use twilio bi-directional stream feature to play raw audio data

I'm using Twilio Programmable Voice to process phone calls. I want to use bi-directional stream feature to send some raw audio data to play by twilio, the initi

Flutter check if stream is empty before close end

I'm using BehaviorSubject as a Stream controller. In one of my functions, I want to .add more items only in case the Stream is empty of events. @override Fu

Is it possible to stream a video from client side to nodejs server and save it to a mp4 file?

hello everyone thanks for reading this , is it possible to send video stream from client side to nodejs server then save it to a file each time there is a new c

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ wait for publisher confirms

I am using Spring Cloud Stream with the RabbitMQ binder. I use the StreamBridge to send messages to a destination. I want to send a message with StreamBridge an

Flutter Firestore real-time pagination using multiple listeners streamed combined

I want to create a pagination screen, using Bloc, from the Firestore database. The screen should update on document changes. My FirestoreProviderApi receives fe

How to convert ReadableStream into ReadStream in NodeJS?

I'm using nodemailer, and pdfmake to create a pdf, and send it in the email's attachments. I don't have too much experience with file handling in NodeJS, and I