Category "flutter-layout"

Refresh Indicator not working with NestedScrollView

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays(SystemUiOverlay.values); return Anno

Flutter Duplicate Global Key detected on widget tree

I have this issue when implementing flutter's showcaseview despite following its official documentation. The errors I get have to do with a duplicate global sta

Wrapping text inside a circle (Flutter)

is it possible to wrap text inside a circle in Flutter? Here is a failed example. Ideally the text would fit inside the circle and overflow at the end only. Cl

Vertical divider inside ListTile header

I am attempting to add vertical divider between the leading portion and the title of a ListTile. I understand that Flutter now has a VerticalDivider widget,

In Flutter, why does the DraggableScrollableSheet show blank space when there are less children?

I want the DraggableScrollableSheet to stop moving up when there are less items in the ListView. Instead, blank space is created underneath to fill the entire s

Flutter - TextFormField expand not working properly

I'm trying to create my own TextFieldForm to use in my app by specific design and I have some troubles in order to expand it if it's the case. Currently, it loo

Flutter expansion tile remove trailing

i have a exoansiontile and i want it to be like a box, everything centered, the problem is that if i add a text that is too long, i get the overflow error and i

How to set Flutter AppBar Transparent without the Status bar

I tried to set a transparent appbar using. return Scaffold( extendBodyBehindAppBar: true,       appBar: AppBar(   &nbs

How to add image to ExpantionTile in flutter

I've been working on an app in which I want to add an image in the ExpansionTile function but the catch is that flutter don't allow us to add image in that. For

Flutter: How to draw a star

I am trying to custom my container shape to look like this: I tried to do it with customPaint but I don't know very well this widget so I need help. How can I

Flutter - Infinite Scroll & Images causes App Crash

We are building a product listing page in flutter and trying to load products as the user scrolls and reaches the end of the page. It's basically a grid view bu

Switching Camera Aspect Ratio in Flutter

How do we switch the camera preview aspect ratio in Flutter? I would like to switch be able to switch from 1:1, 4:3, and 16:9 aspect ratio I am using this Camer

I want to make a slider custom bottom value with incremet in flutter

i want this type slider in flutter any one please help me i want to make this type slider with the same value get by the slider value i am facing the problem to

How to design custom ListWheelScrollView like below image in flutter?

I added two ListWheelScrollView to show the value first for numbers(1-9) and second for string values like an hour, day, week, and month but focus item design d

How to find the widget size to avoid rendering when widget render outside the device area

Here I have a center Offset value that is where I need to position the widget, I have positioned the widget with the help of Positioned widget and moved the wid

How to check if google user login is new account in flutter

How to check if the user that login with google is new or existed. If new I want to navigate to other screen. If not I want to navigate to home screen. loginG

How to check if google user login is new account in flutter

How to check if the user that login with google is new or existed. If new I want to navigate to other screen. If not I want to navigate to home screen. loginG

Inner shadow effect in flutter

According to the github issue there is no inset attribute in ShadowBox yet. Is there any workaround how to emulate inner shadow right now in flutter. I like to

Using flexible SliverAppBar as non-top element

I'm trying to display a flexible SliverAppBar below a custom app bar (let's say it's a container with a height of 80.0). When making the SliverAppBar the top el

The argument type 'Function?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'void Function()?'

I have a refactored widget which has an onPressed. But whenever I try to access that function, I get this error : The argument type Function? can't be assigned