I am working on spring application. I am having a LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<MyDTO>> object, in the value of the map (i.e,List<MyDTO>) I hav
I'm trying to decrease run time of my code by using doParallel package in R. I'm calling a function awareRateSIR that some extra packages are used in the body
This is the snippet of Java code: int[][] uu = new int[1][1]; uu[0][0] = 5; for(int[] u: uu){ System.out.println(u[0]); } It prints 5. But why does the d
Hi using eclipse juno, dynamic web project apache Tomcat v7.0 (which has its own jstl-1.2.1.jar) I get this error javax.servlet.ServletExcep
I have Records type of Record: export interface List { name: string; title: string; } export type RecordType = 'recordOne' | 'recordTwo' | 'recordThree';
I want to insert "continue" inside foreach in JSTL. Please let me know if there is a way to achieve this. <c:forEach var="List" items="${requestScope.D
I was wondering if there's a way to do something like a PHP foreach loop in JavaScript. The functionality I'm looking for is something like this PHP Snippet: f
I'm taking a course called "Dynamic Web Development with PHP" and after getting an F for an exercise, I wish if you could help me with the following. I have a p
What's the performance difference (if there is any) between these three approaches, both used to transform an array to another array? Using foreach Using array
I have a situation where when dealing with an object I generally use a foreach to loop through it like this: foreach ($main_object as $key=>$small_object) {