Category "foreach"

Iterate the values from the List and get oldest, newest dates

I am working on spring application. I am having a LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<MyDTO>> object, in the value of the map (i.e,List<MyDTO>) I hav

How to export multiple function or packages in foreach loop in "R"

I'm trying to decrease run time of my code by using doParallel package in R. I'm calling a function awareRateSIR that some extra packages are used in the body

For each loop using 2D array

This is the snippet of Java code: int[][] uu = new int[1][1]; uu[0][0] = 5; for(int[] u: uu){ System.out.println(u[0]); } It prints 5. But why does the d

JSTL error javax/servlet/jsp/jstl/core/LoopTag error when using c:forEach tomcat ver7.0 [duplicate]

Hi using eclipse juno, dynamic web project apache Tomcat v7.0 (which has its own jstl-1.2.1.jar) I get this error javax.servlet.ServletExcep

How to loop though Record<K, T>

I have Records type of Record: export interface List { name: string; title: string; } export type RecordType = 'recordOne' | 'recordTwo' | 'recordThree';

JSTL continue, break inside foreach

I want to insert "continue" inside foreach in JSTL. Please let me know if there is a way to achieve this. <c:forEach var="List" items="${requestScope.D

For..In loops in JavaScript - key value pairs

I was wondering if there's a way to do something like a PHP foreach loop in JavaScript. The functionality I'm looking for is something like this PHP Snippet: f

PHP drop down list using array's and foreach (else and for) code

I'm taking a course called "Dynamic Web Development with PHP" and after getting an F for an exercise, I wish if you could help me with the following. I have a p

Performance of foreach, array_map with lambda and array_map with static function

What's the performance difference (if there is any) between these three approaches, both used to transform an array to another array? Using foreach Using array

How to break out of a foreach once a condition is met?

I have a situation where when dealing with an object I generally use a foreach to loop through it like this: foreach ($main_object as $key=>$small_object) {