Category "fortify"

target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\RegisterViewResponse] is not instantiable

i'm have a router register but i found error Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\RegisterViewResponse] is not instantiable.

Laravel after login Two factor not working

When I log in after activating two factor, the field where I enter the verification key does not open. Login directly. What could my problem be caused by? Forti

The Mix manifest does not exist - Laravel Fortify Jetstream Login/Registration Issue when deploying laravel in Hostgator shared hosting

I have been able to deploy Laravel projects successfuly in the past. For the first time I am using Laravel 8 with Jetstream and Livewire. Laravel is now using F

How to create a new project and commit it in fortify ssc using REST API

I am trying to create a new project in fortify using REST api and so far I have been able to create the application and version,but I am not able to add attribu

Fortify's denial of service problem in stringbuilder in java

Fortify client gives the error and recommendations for string builder, problem code: StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(request.getParameter("i

Fortify file path manipulation solution recommendation

I'm creating a new file as classpath resource. With the following code, there are critical and high level Path Manipulation issues on Fortify. public class A {