Category "ftp"

How do I upload the last 3 files in a directory with WinSCP?

Trying to upload the last 3 files in a directory. I figured I can set the last 3 files and make them as an alias but I'm not sure how to do that.. Originally Wi

How to exit telnet session via command line using azure devops

I am trying to test connectivity from source to a FTP server on port 22 using azure devops commandline tool in pipelines Command for testing: telnet TestSFTP02

Azure Logic Apps - FTP Trigger

I got a strange problem with Azure Logic Apps. It's a very simple case, really. Scenario: Logic App reads directory from FTP on 'file created'. Logic App reads

How to get the actual download link embedded with any "Download" button

I have this code to download a big file in chunks: import requests from tqdm import tqdm def get_size(url): response = requests.head(url) size = int(r

FTP connection error with Failed to retrieve directory listing

I am trying to connect to a FTP server hosted on azure VM using IIS I can connect but I keep getting the following error: Error: Connection timed out after

Limiting max. concurrent FTP client connections in Java

I was wondering if there's a Java FTP client library, that can limit the max. concurrent connections or if there's a feasible way to implement this feature arou

Download a files from FTP matching a wildcard using Java Apache Commons Net

Basically I need to download list of matching files for the search from a FTP server. I have the code to download a specific file from a FTP server. But I nee

Getting "Connection refused" when transferring a file to FTP server with ftplib in Python

I am currently working on a python script to upload text files to an FTP server but am getting the following error ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 61] Connection

Read time out when trying to list FTP server directory in Docker container on Linux

I have service that polls FTP server with LIST command. I use local passive mode, use FTPSClient with following setting: ftpClient.setTrustManager(TrustManagerU

Upload file uploaded via HTTP to ASP.NET further to FTP server in C#

Upload form: <form asp-action="Upload" asp-controller="Uploads" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="file" maxlength="64" /> <

Extracting excel files from the FTP to BigQuery using Cloud Functions

I am working on creating an automated script to download files from a FTP and store them into BigQuery. Problem is that BigQuery accepts only .csv files. For t

Curl file download using ftp protocol fail with RETR response 550

I am trying to download a file from the server to specific path on client, when I run the following curl command I am getting error: curl -u test:test "ftp:

Connect to Explicit FTPS (FTPES) with Python (error) [duplicate]

I'm uploading a file ftp and keep getting a "ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2756)" error. class MyFTP_TLS(

FtpWebRequest.GetResponse() takes forever

I made a simple program download files from my FTP server and usually this works well(I often reboot my laptop if not working and the program runs perfectly) wi

Delphi FTP upload Access violation

I'm trying to upload a file .txt in my web space, but then the problems start, the code I tried is this: uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, G

Converting FTP "ls -ltr" to SFTP

I was migrating an FTP functionality to SFTP. In shell script that does FTP, I saw some lines and I can not convert them to SFTP. I searched but couldn't get a