I'm trying to generate a migration file with a spatial column in it (Geometry) and I'm getting this error No suitable constructor found for entity type 'Coordi
I have folder where many lidar(.las) files. It looks like library(rgdal) library(raster) library(tmaptools) library(tmap) library(lidR) library(RStoolbox) las=
EDIT: (11/05/22) Coastal classifications would serve a purpose at this stage if there exists such classifications based on NE co-ordinates. If anyone might be
I have a, xarray dataset that is ocean color of the Atlantic Ocean called olci_ds. This dataset has dimensions of rows and columns and coordinates of lat, lon a
My entity has a computable geography::point column (represented by DbGeography type in code) When I call a .Distinct() method on query for this entity it adds O
I would like to run spatial queries on large data sets; e.g. geopandas would be too slow. Inspiration I found here: https://anant-sharma.medium.com/apache-sedon
I have a list of 100 Canadian postal codes (e.g. M4B 1C7). Is there anyway to convert these postal codes into approximate longitude and latitude values? Current
Let's say 100 documents (so to say polygons) in a collection named Areas with this structure: { ...otherFields, commonName: "Butwal", area: { type: "
all code: def rgb2hex(r,g,b): return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(r,g,b) def rg(num): num = int(np.round((num / 100) * 124)) r = (124 - num) g
I am trying to create a 2sphere index in my mongodb collection. The index needs to be on location field which is at GeoJSON format: location: { coordinat
I'm trying to make a map in Folium with multiple layers, each consisting of shaded areas (using GeoJSON) with colors given by a colormap. I'd like to add legend
I am trying plot the intersection between a buffer circle and the mesh blocks (or boundaries) within that circle of some radius (in this case, 80 km). I got the
I am trying plot the intersection between a buffer circle and the mesh blocks (or boundaries) within that circle of some radius (in this case, 80 km). I got the
I'm trying to install geoplot package for a few hours now but I can't understand why I can't do it. I saw several links in here just saying "only use conda and
I have a table with fields latitude and longitude stored as float values, and I want to start saving them into points in a new column to use spatial features. C
I have seen similar posts on this topic (see, for example, here and here) but not one that is specific to the sf-tidyverse ecosystem. I have a series of lakes,
Can anyone pls tell me what is the best way to find distance between two geopoints (lats, longs) in node.js . If there is any good node js lib
I am plotting seven different parameters over four seasons, as shown in below image. but on last column (Post-Monsoon) sub_plots axis compromised with colorbar
I use a user-defined type (UDT) in Oracle 18c called ST_GEOMETRY: The ST_Geometry storage type ST_Geometry in Oracle SQL functions used with ST_Geometry I have
I want to construct a DbGeography point from latitude and longitude doubles. I know I can convert my doubles to strings and use the DbGeography.FromText method