I have various things I've written, and rewritten a couple times, without keeping track, and git seems the perfect solution to merge my disjointed code. However
I have 2 branches on github: master gh-pages My branch master has the directory _site which contains all the files that I need to be stored on the root of gh-pa
Because of github changing the default branch from master to main all of my pushes end up in a separate branch instead of the main one and I can't change the de
Because of github changing the default branch from master to main all of my pushes end up in a separate branch instead of the main one and I can't change the de
Did git can push to all branch but Only have same code? I mean if i have 3 branch like ver_light, ver_medium, and ver_heavy. = ver_light \controller\a \control
I have a Jenkins file and a Git Hook that triggers the Jenkins build whenever a code is committed in any of the branches. I wish to print the branch name that t
When I see my branches in a local repository with git branch in the terminal it prints only one, which is master But when I go to the gitlab page I have two bra
I know this type of a question has a lot duplicates, but I wanted to open a new one because I didn't found in all of the other questions the explaination of the
When trying to git status I get the following git status fatal: not a git repository: D:/path/path/path/.git/worktrees/horus_app_v100 the path worktrees/horus_a
I want to make a git bare repository with multiple branches (master, develop, release, etc..). So question is if it is possible to checkout the bare repository
I was trying to track a remote branch with $ git checkout -b --track global/master, and git created a branch named "--track". Now, when I run $ git branch -D -