Category "git-checkout"

Copying content of a directory on another branch

I have 2 branches on github: master gh-pages My branch master has the directory _site which contains all the files that I need to be stored on the root of gh-pa

Git setting submodule.recurse is not working (Git Bash)

I'm using Git Bash for Windows, version I would like Git to automatically initialize submodules when I do a clone, checkout or pull. I found

How to add add existing directory to version control in existing repo without modifying files?

I have to put a pretty big project under version control, which has two versions (dev and prod). These two were kept in "mostly sync" by copying files manually

"Cannot update paths and switch to branch at the same time"

I sometimes use the checkout -b option to create a new branch, check it out at the same time and set up tracking in one command. In a new environment, I get th