Category "git"

Git clone failing with "initial ref transation called with existing refs"

I tried cloning my website repo and I got this error that I've never had before. I don't know if I should still try to use my local repo if its unstable. chen@c

Run both local and global git hooks

I have a global git hook post-commit which is situated under: ~/.git_templates/hooks/post-commit I have made it global by git config --global init.templated

git clone with different username/account

How can I clone something on git with a different account? For example, I might have been using one account for cloning, and now I need to access a repo that on

Applying patch doesn't create newly created files in Git

I have created a new file called ABC.txt in branch x. I didn't commit the changes. Then I wanted to move these changes into a new branch called y. So I followe

git update-index --assume-unchanged not working for me

I am in a project building a web app. We use Git for version control and Gulp for task automation. I would like to temporarily ignore files to a certain folder,

Can I allow Github organization members to invite other members

I have created a Github organization and have invited a small group of members. In future there will be more than 100 people using this organizations repositori

Github problem: Git pushes to master branch, not main and can't merge the two

Every time I create a repository on github and push my files it creates two branches, the main branch and the master branch. All the changes go to the master br

How to take latest changes from dev branch to my current branch

We have below branches on which we work. master dev person A person B We both keep working on our branches i.e. person A or person B (working on same project

How can I change the origin remote in VSCode?

VS Code is my actual IDE and git client for all my projects. I'd like to change the origin remote of an actual repository. How can i do it?

How to Enable Directory Indexing on GitHub Pages

I need to display directory contents on GH Pages. Would prefer Automatically, without index.html A tool or library for automatically generating the index.htm

Bamboo: Reuse same yml specs in multiple projects

I'm using Atlassian Bamboo 7.1.1. I'm creating pipelines as a code using YAML. I have one git repository with a YAML specs to reuse in multiples pipelines. Let'

SourceTree keeps asking for Github password

My organization is switching from Bitbucket to Github for project management. Today, I was trying to transfer our most recent project from Bitbucket to Github,

SourceTree keeps asking for Github password

My organization is switching from Bitbucket to Github for project management. Today, I was trying to transfer our most recent project from Bitbucket to Github,

Cloning subtree/subdirectory of git repo

I have a git repo on Github, looks like so: .git/ assets/ tools/ of course the .git folder is not in version control, but you ge

How to use git subtree to add local repo?

Say I have a dir that is already a git repo "sub", now I want it to be a subtree of my newly created super directory "sup". I've searched the document, but all

How to "time travel" git repository back in revisions?

Is it possible to completely revert git repository to previous X revision on bitbucket so that it doesn't keep any changes after that X revision and doesn't con

GitHub authentication failing over https, returning wrong email address

Initiating a push or any other action with GitHub from the command line (over https, not ssh) that calls for the username and password not only fails but, when

git push heroku master - no error messages but changes not displaying on web app

After installing the devise gem to create users on my web app, my changes are not appearing on the live app. I believe I am running the correct code in termina

Spring maven dependency issue

I have a problem that my pom.xml throw an error ArtifactTransferException: Failure to transfer org.springframework:spring-tx:jar:3.2.4.RELEASE from http:

VS Code on Windows - git push results in Permission Denied (publickey)

Running VS Code 1.0.0 on Windows, trying to push to bitbucket using SSH auth. Issue is similar to: To use <git push> on Visual Studio Code, but show "Cou