Category "google-cloud-functions"

Error: Cannot find module 'semver' when I run firebase deploy--only functions

When I run firebase deploy --only functions on Node.js command prompt, I got this error. Command prompt error

Error Deploying Cloud Function from gitlab

I am trying to deploy a cloud function via gitlab using a new service account (Not using default service account). It has the cloud functions developer role but

Push notification doesn't pop up on Android

I am creating flutter application using FCM for sending push notifications. I am sending notifications with Cloud Functions from website by sending JSON to devi

Webhook handler failed. View function logs in Firebase

Good, I wanted to know if someone can solve me this problem with Stripe and Stripe extension in firebase. Every time I complete a purchase in the session.checko

Data from function is of type unknown - functions v9

I have a cloud function that takes an email and returns the user info, including the uid. The function is declared like this: const getUserByEmail = httpsCallab

Firebase functions dispatch tasks in order

Based of this article recently published by Google I am trying to dispatch firebase tasks in the order(first in first out) of the queue. But no matter what sett

Google Cloud Monitoring Alert when Cloud Function status!=ok, it doesn't work

__ Hello, I would like to know how to raise a Alert Email notication when my Cloud-Function status is not "ok". I have configured my Cloud Monitoring alert as

KoaJs cant handle POST requests on CloudFunctions

I have a NodeJS Application written in KoaJS, app.ts const app = new Koa(); app.use(healthCheck()); app.use(bodyParser()); app.use(errorHandler()); app.use(end

Firebase Functions "subscribeToTopic" works only for the first time

For some reason, I can't subscribe users for more than one topic Here is my code: exports.subscribe = functions.https.onCall((request, response) => { conso

Error parsing triggers: Cannot find module 'csv-parse/sync'

I am using Firebase functions to build an API that parses CSV files. When I try to use csv-parse/sync instead of csv-parse, my deploy to Firebase Functions fail

NodeJS GC function cannot be initialized

Trying out my first NodeJS cloud function so far unsuccessfully despite working fine VS code. Getting following error Function cannot be initialized. Error: fun

Access Firebase access token through Firebase Admin PHP SDK

I have generated myself a service account with .json file for Firebase Admin PHP SDK authorization. Aside from that, I would want to use the same service accoun

ECONNREFUSED Error when trying to run Firebase pubsub scheduled cloud function on shell

I am trying to run a pubsub.schedule function on Firebase emulator. I tried to follow the instructions in the following links.

Disable / Undo Firebase Cloud Functions default request parsing

I want to deploy a remix application to Firebase Cloud Functions, using Hosting for the static assets. The function is defined as: const functions = require("fi

How to invoke Cloud Function from Cloud Scheduler with Authentication

I've looked everywhere and it seems people either use pubsub, app engine http or http with no auth. Not too many people out there showing their work for accessi

GCP Cloud Function to write data to BigQuery runs with success but data doesn't appear in BigQuery table

I am running the following cloud function. It runs with success and indicates data was loaded to the table. But when I query the BigQuery no data has been added

How to deploy multiple cloud functions that are newly pushed using google cloud build and Source Repository?

I have a project folder with different cloud functions folders e.g. Project_Folder -Cloud-Function-Folder1 -requirements.txt

Add Stripe Credit Card without Payment in SwiftUI

I am struggling to find a solution that isn't UIKit, or one that requires you make a purchase. My project is trying to integrate Stripe in SwiftUI, using node.j

Cannot find module 'axios'

I am coding a small program for Firebase Functions, using node.js. I always install my node modules using npm and i also installed axios using npm only. Howe

alternative to sending email using gmail with firebase function

I recently got that email from Google which says that as the beginning of 30.05.2022, we will not be able to use "less secure apps" options anymore. I'm using