Category "google-cloud-platform"

Allow Public Read access on a GCS bucket?

I am trying to allow anonymous (or just from my applications domain) read access for files in my bucket. When trying to read the files I get ``` <Error&g

Kubeflow Pipelines error on GCP - Run doesn't end

After submitting the "run" using Jupyter notebook, when I go to the Kubeflow pipeline dashboard, I can see my "run" submitted & running but it doesn't end e

Provision a GCP VM instance with no external IP via Terraform

Trying to create a VM in GCP via terraform with External IP as None. network_interface { network = "projects/other-project-name/global/networks/network-name"

How to add an ssh key to an GCP instance using terraform?

So I have a terraform script that creates instances in Google Cloud Platform, I want to be able to have my terraform script also add my ssh key to the instances

How to give service account only access to one bucket (Google Cloud)?

How to give service account only access to one bucket? If you just in case wanna give another 3rd party service access to your private bucket? The problem is by

Google Cloud Functions sometimes doesn't find @google-cloud/* dependencies although the buildpack builds and runs fine in Docker on local

I am deploying a Google Cloud function and it fails to deploy because it sometimes doesn't find the module @google-cloud/pubsub and when it finds it, it instead

How to fix 404 error when installing npm package from GCP artifact registry with yarn?

I'm having an issue with installing an NPM package from GCP. I was able to upload the package to the artifact registry of GCP by doing the following steps: Logi

Firebase functions: cloud storage triggers not working because of insufficient permissions

I have a cloud function that is triggered by updates to storage. when I deploy any function that utilises cloud storage, I get an error code 7 and an insufficie

Using Python to do basic Google Drive operations without web server authentication

I want to create a Python script that can do some really basic things (add/remove files in a shared google drive) The script will be running on remote PCs so an

How to parse json format output of : kubectl get pods using jsonpath

How to parse the json to retrieve a field from output of kubectl get pods -o json From the command line I need to obtain the system generated container name

IAM permission issue with Batch Translation: PermissionDenied: 403 Cloud IAM permission 'cloudtranslate.generalModels.batchPredict' denied

This is my first time running google batch translation, I usually run the API translation, but this time my file size is too large to be translated that way. I

Is there a way to see all GCP Unlabelled resource?

My goal is to see all the unlabelled inventory so I can label them correctly and show it in cost tracking

Google storage permissions error while generating signed url from cloud function

I'm attempting to use a Firebase Cloud Function to create signed download URLs for files stored in a Storage Bucket. Using the snippet below on my local machine

GKE metrics comparsion

Does anyone know how can I compare my query result to some value? For example, I have such query: fetch k8s_container | { metric '

Django Static - Google Cloud Storage - CDN

I am still new with serving my Django static/media files to Google cloud storage. It's working now but I am not sure if this is right or is this enough already,

How to use BigQuery API from elixir code

How to use BigQuery from elixir code? I would like to use Big Query web API from elixir code. Although there is no elixir client SDK in SDK libraries page I w

Unable to Verify that GCS bucket and PKIX path building failed Errors in Creating and staging GCP Dataflow template

I am creating and staging gcp dataflow template in cloud storage with following command: mvn -X compile exec:java -D

Is It Possible To Get The ID Before It Was Added?

I know that in Realtime Database I could get the push ID before it was added like this: DatabaseReference databaseReference= FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().ge

GCP create load balancer via api

I want to create a load balancer (TCP) via a REST API or Python SDK for GCP. I haven't found any solutions so far. Example from UI :

Google cloud "mk" error "Invalid identifier 'ch04' for mk."

I am very new to google cloud and following an example in "Google BigQuery: The Definitive Guide" to learn to use this platform. I am trying to make a dataset t