Category "google-cloud-platform"

Unit testing for Google Cloud Functions

I was trying to write unit testing for Google Cloud Functions referring to Google Cloud Platform unit testing docs but not able to understand how to mock when G

Bandwidth limit on google cloud platform

I wonder if someone can help ! I seem to have a problem with my google cloud VM machine( 4 cores, 32Gb ram) , where the upload speed seem capped at 4Mb/s its li

Google Cloud Storage doesn't upload to the correct media and static directory in the bucket

I have created an app in Django and want to use Google Cloud Storage to keep my statics and media files. However, when running python collectstatic It

Having a trouble with Google OAuth2. Can't sign up with google

Been facing this issue "You have created a new client application that uses libraries for user authentication or authorization that will soon be deprecated. New

Cloud Logging Advanced Log Filters: Find HTTP Requests >= Duration

Google's Advanced Cloud Logging Filters seem incredibly powerful, but equally complex to use. How does one craft a logging query that finds all HTTP requests wi

Function of Dataproc Metastore in a Datalake environment

In a Google Datalake environment, what is the Dataproc Metastore service used for? I'm watching a Google Cloud Tech video and in this video around the 17:33 mar

Unable to verify that GCS bucket exists while creating and staging Dataflow template

I am creating and staging gcp dataflow template in cloud storage with following command: mvn -X compile exec:java -D

Gcloud could not fetch resource: Specified IP address is not allocated to the project or does not belong to the specified scope

I'm trying to migrate a VM on GCP from one project to another. I succeeded until a point where it came to transferring the static IP address. I detached it fr

Android Audio fingerprinting implementation

I am working on an Android app that works similar to shazam, soundhound, etc. I am using Echoprint for Android w/ source found on GitHub for implmentation of so

startup script yum install fails with "signature could not be verified for google-cloud-sdk"

I reran the startup script using following command: sudo google_metadata_script_runner --script-type startup All the yum install commands are failing with foll

can't add 'allUsers' to GCP project

I have a GCP project and just for testing purpose, I want to grant the permission to 'allUsers'. But when I am trying to add, I am getting error Members of type

App not retrieving images from firebase realtime database in android studio with Java

Please I want to retrieve images with text from Firebase Realtime Database to a RecyclerView using a CardView which contains ImageView for the image and two Tex

Error when creating the firebase project using terraform

I am trying to create a create a firebase project using terraform. I am new in it and need some guidance in setting up the firebase project. I am facing an issu

Disable Identity Toolkit when using Firebase Authentication

I just set up a new project for Firebase and it is requiring me to enable Identity Toolkit API. This is a problem because, even though I'm wrapping the fireba

Google Cloud Storage confused about ACL/IAM and legacy permissions

I have a bucket whose contents I want to be publicly readable. However, I do not want the users to be able to list all of the contents by removing the keyname f

How do I delete my Google Cloud Platform Account?

I have 2 cloud accounts and only need one, how do I delete or cancel my account so I do not have to pay for the one?

Patterns for replicating data to BigQuery

I'm asking for the best practice/industrial standard on these types of jobs, this is what I've been doing: The end goal is to have a replication of the data in

Google Cloud: Pubsub subscription filter expression options

I am trying to put filter in the GCP pubsub subscription. My requirement is to add number of codes in the filter. I am using terraform for that. Here is somethi

How can I specify the region of a Google Cloud Function?

I'm currently using Google Cloud Function to build up my restful API. However, I've found that it's slow because the my Google-Cloud-Function server is on "us-c

"sudo: gcloud: command not found" when running Google Cloud SDK

Running Ubuntu. Installed Google Cloud SDK via: $ sudo curl | sudo bash $ exec -l $SHELL Running "gcloud" works just fine. R