I was trying to write unit testing for Google Cloud Functions referring to Google Cloud Platform unit testing docs but not able to understand how to mock when G
I wonder if someone can help ! I seem to have a problem with my google cloud VM machine( 4 cores, 32Gb ram) , where the upload speed seem capped at 4Mb/s its li
I have created an app in Django and want to use Google Cloud Storage to keep my statics and media files. However, when running python manage.py collectstatic It
Been facing this issue "You have created a new client application that uses libraries for user authentication or authorization that will soon be deprecated. New
Google's Advanced Cloud Logging Filters seem incredibly powerful, but equally complex to use. How does one craft a logging query that finds all HTTP requests wi
In a Google Datalake environment, what is the Dataproc Metastore service used for? I'm watching a Google Cloud Tech video and in this video around the 17:33 mar
I am creating and staging gcp dataflow template in cloud storage with following command: mvn -X compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=main.java.TemplatePipeline -D
I'm trying to migrate a VM on GCP from one project to another. I succeeded until a point where it came to transferring the static IP address. I detached it fr
I am working on an Android app that works similar to shazam, soundhound, etc. I am using Echoprint for Android w/ source found on GitHub for implmentation of so
I reran the startup script using following command: sudo google_metadata_script_runner --script-type startup All the yum install commands are failing with foll
I have a GCP project and just for testing purpose, I want to grant the permission to 'allUsers'. But when I am trying to add, I am getting error Members of type
Please I want to retrieve images with text from Firebase Realtime Database to a RecyclerView using a CardView which contains ImageView for the image and two Tex
I am trying to create a create a firebase project using terraform. I am new in it and need some guidance in setting up the firebase project. I am facing an issu
I just set up a new project for Firebase and it is requiring me to enable Identity Toolkit API. This is a problem because, even though I'm wrapping the fireba
I have a bucket whose contents I want to be publicly readable. However, I do not want the users to be able to list all of the contents by removing the keyname f
I have 2 cloud accounts and only need one, how do I delete or cancel my account so I do not have to pay for the one?
I'm asking for the best practice/industrial standard on these types of jobs, this is what I've been doing: The end goal is to have a replication of the data in
I am trying to put filter in the GCP pubsub subscription. My requirement is to add number of codes in the filter. I am using terraform for that. Here is somethi
I'm currently using Google Cloud Function to build up my restful API. However, I've found that it's slow because the my Google-Cloud-Function server is on "us-c
Running Ubuntu. Installed Google Cloud SDK via: $ sudo curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | sudo bash $ exec -l $SHELL Running "gcloud" works just fine. R