Category "google-cloud-platform"

in-browser SSH - IP address range

One of the options to ssh into the instance is in-browser ssh. It only works if I allow SSH from IP range. Is there a way to get the range of specifi

Google Managed SSL Certificate Stuck on FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE

I'm trying to configure an HTTPS/Layer 7 Load Balancer with GKE. I'm following SSL certificates overview and GKE Ingress for HTTP(S) Load Balancing. My config.

Ingest RDBMS data to BigQuery

If we have an on-prem sources like SQL-Server and Oracle. Data from it has to be ingested periodically in batch mode in Big Query. What shud be the architecture

In AppScript, for Workspace Published Add-On Sheet Extensions, how do I switch to Head version and stop Deploying every bug fix?

Each time I fix a bug I have to Deploy and update the Version in'm 17 Versions in and I don't think this is how it's supposed to wo

Firebase secrets not defined in process.env

I'm writing a Firebase function with Cloud Storage trigger. Like this const functions = require('firebase-functions') const doSomethingWithSecrets = require('./

Google Cloud billing information verify?

I have a problem with google cloud's billing verify. I added a debit card, which has received an X amount of eurocents from Google. To verify my billing, I need

Move BigQuery Data Transfer Service(DCM) data to another project

I have BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Campaign Manager setup in dataset A in GCP project A. I would like to move this to dataset B located in project B. How

Missing necessary OAuth permissions on GCP Pub/Sub

I'm trying to follow this guide here to get push notifications whenever a response has been submitted on a Google Forms form. All prerequisites have been comple

Google Identity - email templates cannot be changed

We use GCP Identity Platform to manage multi-tenant authentication with email and password provider. Google provides a way to configure email templates that are

How to deploy container using docker-compose to google cloud?

i'm quite new to GCP and been using mostly AWS. I am currently trying to play around with GCP and want to deploy a container using docker-compose. I set up a

How can I see the service account that the python bigquery client uses?

To create a default bigquery client I use: from import bigquery client = bigquery.Client() This uses the (default) credentials available in the en

Best way to run volatile containers on Google Cloud

I have scripts that collect data all the time on Google Cloud VMs, but there are times when I have more or less data to collect, so I need to volatile and autom

Using Google docs in a multi-tenant SaaS application

I am building a multitenant SaaS application for multipule companies to use. One of the features of the application is that it will create a document based fro

Pull message in Google cloud pub/sub getting blank message body

I published a message in a topic and then in the google cloud, clicked on subscriptions, clicked on one of the subscriptions, and then clicked on the pull. I di

What should I use instead deprecated FlinkKafkaConsumer? Scala Flink

I try to get data from Kafka to Flink, I use FlinkKafkaConsumer but Intellij shows me that it is depricated and also ssh console in Google Cloud shows me this e

How to reduce Google Cloud SQL instance size?

I have a Google Cloud SQL MySQL 2nd Gen 5.7 instance with 70GB of unused storage. I want to reduce the unused storage of my instance as this is one of the major

How can i edit and reduce gcloud SQL instance size (ssd storage)

As "Auto storage increase is enabled" was enabled on my instance along with "general logs ". due to which my instance crossed the storage of 5TB .but after clea

Revoke the signed URL of the object that was created in GCP Cloud storage

Suppose I have this scenario where I created a signed URL to GCP object using the private key of the service account using the following command. $ gsutil signu

App Engine Flexible deployment fails to become healthy in the allotted time

My flask app deployment via App Engine Flex is timing out and after setting debug=True. I see the following line repeating over and over until it fails. I am no

`docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH

After the latest updates to gcloud and docker I'm unable to access images on my google container repository. Locally when I run: gcloud auth configure-docker a