Category "bots"

opencv bot Recursion Error using pyautogui , python-imagesearch, cv2

Im writing a bot using cv2 , pyautogui,and imagesearch libaries. in this function im searching for an image then I'm going to run another function when found if

How to make a Discord bot tell the current date and time on command?

I want to have my Discord bot tell me the current date and time on a simple command, so if I say "whats the time?" it will tell me. Currently my only solution i

puppeteer bypass cloudflare by enable cookies and Javascript

(In nodeJs -> server side only). I'm doing some webscraping and some pages are protected by the cloudflare anti-ddos page. I'm trying to bypasse this page. B

Deploying a chatbot written with the Flask framework

I have created basic chatbot using FLASK framework and Python. This will create a default URL Below link is similar to my chatbot. ex: h

Discord Python bot - Coroutine never awaited

I'm trying to make a Blind-test bot game in Python, which actually works pretty fine. I managed to get a whole spotify playlist in the queue with that play_next

Is there a way to set the timestamp to UTC in discord.js

I wanted to create a footer for a discord embed, that has UTC time so I created the lines in the following, and then it errored a lot, so I turned it into an ob

Bypass Cloudflare with puppeteer

I am trying to scrape some startups data of a site with puppeteer and when I try to navigate to the next page the cloudflare waiting screen comes in and disrupt

socket.timeout on telegram bot.polling()

When I leave my program running for a few hours and then send a message to the bot it doesn't reply and after a while it generates the following error. Tracebac

How to use register_next_step_handler on AsyncTeleBot

Heyyy, I'm just using pyTelegramBotAPI and used the bot.register_next_step_handler to get a user input as a var and send it to the next function like: getLink =

How to disable buttons on click in Bot Framework Composer

I want to disable the button once clicked in Webchat/Directline channel. Once a user has clicked on a button, that button should get disabled to prevent duplica

Telegram bot api - multiple instances of same bot

I would like to make a telegram bot that sends error messages from a software. This software would run on 20 different pcs. Each log would be like this: "pc nam

Is there a way to use NodeJS to append to a github file with github actions?

I have github actions setup on my repo but I have this: // make a for a connection // fs // prefix (t!), stuff socket.on('message', funct

Is there reason why I always have Tweetinvi.Exceptions.TwitterException: Forbidden error?

I am trying to make Twitter bot which job is to, when run, upload picture of Snoop Dog with quote and few hashtags. Problem is when I run my code, it throws Twe

How to send location with whatsapp web js

can you help me to send the location of a place with Whatsapp web js Like I want to send a user who messages me location then the location would be sent of Lond

How to make a discord bot to auto send messages?

Is it possible to make a bot to automatically message people in my friends list or everyone from a specific server where i'm not an administrator? Where would i

does anyone know how to fix this error

I keep getting this error. Everything is imported right and everything is installed. The code was working in atom and then all of a sudden I get this error. Eve

Trying to make game detect mouse clicks using python, all the libraries failed

About 3-4 months ago, I decided to use my basic python knowledge to write a simple farming bot for an old RPG. After some struggling, I found a way to use pyaut

discord bot on_guild_role_update, problem with permissions

I tryed to make logs with admin`s activity how to specify the permission instead of these incomprehensible numbers @bot.event async def on_guild_role_update(bef

Sending a message into all servers where bot is

How do I send one message per guild that my bot is in? It doesn't matter which channel it will be, but I don't know how to code it. I finally came up with that

can't use getUpdates method while webhook is active; use deleteWebhook to delete the webhook first (DELETEWEBHOOK DOESN'T WORK)

I've done a bot for telegram and it worked but some days ago it appears a problem. "can't use getUpdates method while webhook is active; use deleteWebhook to de