Category "google-maps"

Draw a rectangle google.maps.Polygon given its center point and dimensions

I am working on a PHP script which takes XML input, parses it and then displays (eventually rotated) rectangle and ellipses areas. Because area can be rotated,

Google Map freezing in flutter

when I integrate google map in flutter, the first once I launch the screen that contains google map widget it freezes my app. note I'm using tab view widget

Google Map marker errors, InvalidValueError

Trying to display multiple markers but it's not working. I'm trying to display multiple markers on google maps but I'm getting multiple errors InvalidValueError

Google mixed polyline and direction

I'm trying to build an app for building a route with Google Maps. I need to combine Google's direction service and Google's polylines. The route could consist o

Google place details street numbers with letters

When I do search in google's autocomplete I see correct address. Example: Pavlichenko Street, 20b, Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine This address has place_

Alert Box with Marker Google Maps API

I currently have a marker called chicagoMarker and I created an event listener for this. I am having trouble getting an alert box to appear each time the user g

Draw route directions using Google Maps iOS

I am getting a GMSPolyline to custom location but I am not getting a route direction (GMSPolyline) from user location to some custom location. What I have done

Dynamically add/remove controls [Google Maps]

I made a custom search bar on my map that needs to overlap some controls that are on there as well, after messing with the z-index of those controls for a while

Google Maps SDK for Android - Cost

My question is about the charge in the Google Maps API, I have the following code: public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) { mMap = googleMap; //

Google maps API does not return postal code for "Chile" based addresses

When I try to get the zipcode for an address using Google maps geocoding API, it works, the postal code is returned as part of the address_components array: (ex

Get all coords within radius in google maps

The thing is I'm trying to query my database to find all points that fall within a radius of a certain given point. One possible way of doing this would be to

Google embedded map not displayed

I got Google map API credentials for a browser key. For allowed referrers I put in my website like ** and* Then I used the Quick St

Easiest way to calculate area of drawn polygon with google map

Javascript/google maps beginner here. I am looking for a simple way to calculate the area of a polygon the user draws on the map. Code Snippet: function

Flutter Google Maps: How can you change maptype after runtime?

I am trying to change from normal to satellite when pressing a button as shown below, but i get an error that setMapType does not exist. mapController.setMapTyp

Embedding the new google map in your website

I just found out that the new google map doesn't have a link button that used to let people get the embed code which they can embed in their websites. LINK-1

Google maps api-3: Change polygon's default cursor

I can change the map's draggableCursor for example but I even if I change it polygon's cursor is still pointer since the map is behind polygons. I would like to

Google maps hide marker title in Android

I'm trying to add a Marker into my Google map. Here is the code. private final LatLng LOCATION_HOME= new LatLng(6.0334009,80.218384); mMap.addMarker(new Mar

Google maps draw distance traveled polyline

I would like to draw a 'distance traveled' polyline over a preset route using V3 of the google maps API. The polyline would need to run through multiple waypoin

Google maps do not have border radius

when we use google maps to display maps can not make round edges Issue only on chrome HTML <div id="mapframe"> <div id="map"></div> <

How to find people using my app within some radius of my location

Hi I build the app to find all bar and cafe within some radius of my location with API of google, now I want to add all people using my app within some radius o