Category "mongodb-query"

Casting an object within a MongoDB document to date time within a filter definition builder

I am hoping someone can help me as I am new to Mongo DB or point me to a work around, I have a property within a Mongo DB document which is of type object, but

How to check if an area intercepts with any one of other given areas

Before asking this question I read these answers, but could not find the solution: Check if coordinate is within area Geolocation - Check if a location belongs

Why MongoDB saves Hash value in different format?

I am learning IPFS and trying to save IPFS file info in MongoDB. After uploading, I get one hash value ex: {fileHash: CID(QmbCaWPi9tSqcnykvBUMaH2M1d5PiVPLEfPwhJ

mongoDb - How do I delete an object from a nested array

"ProductCategory": [ { "_id": "6246e0d09b16cf549256ed75", "name": "Arduino Boards", "desc": "this is for demo purpose"

MongoDB Group by field, count it with condition

I would like to count different hu for a shipment. So I write this query but how I can count different hu group by shipment ? my query : db.eventstranslated.agg

How to get decrypted values in the aggregation result by the using of getter and setter in node.js

var mongoose = require("mongoose"); const Schema = mongoose.Schema; let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js"); function encrypt(text) { try { let ciphertext =

How to Insert new documents according to a condition that can be appliyed on one of them

I have a collection where I store unique uID for a user and I also have to register them manually. While registration I pass multiple IDs in an array and now I

Counting $lookup and $unwind documents filtered with $match without getting rid of parent document when all results match

I have a collection "Owners" and I want to return a list of "Owner" matching a filter (any filter), plus the count of "Pet" from the "Pets" collection for that

Query over a field which is deep inside MongoDB collection using array of possible options

I have a list of commentDocument collection in MongoDB where each has the following structure: { "commentName": "test comment", "outputs": { "ex

How to query Child Reference Pattern collection with $graphLookup

I have a collection with child reference. Each document can have multiple parents. How can I query it with $graphLookup in order to make a result prepared for a

Access root document map in the $filter aggregation (MongoDb)

I apologize for the vague question description, but I have quite a complex question regarding filtration in MongoDB aggregations. Please, see my data schema to

How to delete and insert with a single command in mongoDB?

So, I have a collection like this: [{ "name":String, "address":String, "hobby":Array of Strings }...] Every hour I query an API and get the response l

how to replaceOne document in MongoDb with Mongo database command

We have requirement to execute replaceOne operation with db.runCommand() I checked list of commands from here, but i haven't found any command to replace one do

How to filter documents by having a list of words which should not be inside of them in MongoDB Atlas Search?

For example I have the array ["java", "perl", "scrum"] and the following documents: { id: 1, title: "Java Software Developer" }, { id: 2, title: "Senior

How to skip a document from retrieving in MongoRepository if it causes an error?

I'm working on a web application built using SpringBoot as backend and MongoDB as DBMS. I'm showing all the latest posts in a web page. In the PostRepository.kt

MongoDB insertMany and skip duplicates

I'm trying to insertMany() items into my Mongo database but I would like to skip duplicate IDs. I'm using Node.js and mongodb. I have some data: const myExam

Mongodb query with multiple $or inside $and

I want records which if type have 0 or 2 than status should not equal to 0 and if type = 3 then ignore status. I tried this way but not working. db.activities.f

Zsh: Command Not found : mongo After trying to install mongodb 4.2 using brew

I have tried the following steps to install and setup mongodb in my mac from here but I got th

MongoDB - Update an Key

I have been trying to update an Object for this collection. Below is the collection. Looking for Server 3.6 version. Here The ask is Need to update the class na

Mongoose - Update an object inside nested array

My Mongo schema looks like this, I want to update a flashcard object located in an array of flashcard also located in an array of subject. const classrooms = ne