Category "google-places-api"

BindCallback observable never get next value, while manual bind works

using google.maps.places.PlacesService and the getDetails query the method signature is (method) google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails( request: goo

Detecting a tap on a marker in a forEach Loop and print

To detect a tap on a marker on GoogleMaps I should use this function. func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTap marker: GMSMarker) -> Bool { print("Do w

Get Timezone from Google Places api autocomplete

I am trying to get the latitude, longitude and Timezone (India 5.30) from Google Places. The address is filled by autocomplete, and thus getting the latitude an

How to get selected place coordinates in google places autocomplete prediction in table view ios swift

i am able to get google places auto complete results in table view using below code. now i am looking for how to get coordinate of selected place of tableview?

google.maps.event.addDomListener() is deprecated, use the standard addEventListener() method instead : Google Place autocomplete Error

I am trying to add Google place auto suggest, I copied the code from the developer's website to try it out but got the error : google.maps.event.addDomListener

Jetpack compose with Google Place API

I am trying to use Place SDK with jetpack compose but I can not find any resource on how to implement this. @Composable fun PlaceSearchView() { // Initializ

Error inflating class, can someone tell me what I'm missing

I'm working on getting the Google Place API to appear within a CardView. The particular code I'm looking at is from GitHub, seems to be working for everyone el

Google Maps Marker doesn't remain draggable after setting a Custom Place using Autocomplete

So I'm trying to make a Custom Google Map where the user can either use the input (with autocomplete suggestions for places) to select the position in the map o

Google place details street numbers with letters

When I do search in google's autocomplete I see correct address. Example: Pavlichenko Street, 20b, Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine This address has place_

Google Place Autocomplete dropdown falling "below" screen

I've been writing AngularJS web app and google places autocomplete autogenerated dropdown code causes it to sometimes be out of DOM. HTML code defining input t

How can I use Google Map's distance matrix API in flutter. Can anyone help me

I am making my final year project and I am stuck in distance matrix. I am making an app in which I am using google maps, but I don't know how to find the time a

building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS

Before I integrated Google Places in my app, I had no problem running it on simulators, but now I can run my app only on physical devices. I tried excluding arm