Category "gremlin"

How to recursively search UP a Gremlin TinkerPop tree using Until and In

I have a TinkerPop Graph on a Gremlin Server and I'm trying to recursively search up a tree from a leaf until I can get to the root. Given a tree that looks lik

Sort vertices by presence of 2 properties

UPDATE 1 I've added the descLength and imageLength properties to allow for easier sorting. The idea is that constant(0) can be used to fill in the values for us

How do I pull specific property values from an injected object when adding a batch of edges in a Gremlin/TinkerPop traversal?

I want to add batches of edges to a JanusGraph db that already contains nodes. I want my edges to support setting dynamic/optional properties. I've cobbled toge

Is it possible to create a new Gremlin Graph DB and Graph using c# code

I have a Azure Cosmos DB account with Gremlin API. I'm using Gremlin.Net to query the db. var gremlinServer = new GremlinServer(hostname, port, enableSsl: tru

Unexpected Count & Filter Behaviour in AWS Neptune

I'm getting an unexpected StopIteration error with some gremlin queries that contain a count step within nested filter steps. This error can be recreated with t

RexProScriptException transaction is not open in Django with Titan (graph DB)

I am stuck with my TitanDB, Django1.8 and Mogwai0.7.7 package. I have Graph database titan/cassandra on localhost dev machine, and after creating wrong queries

Mysterious timeout when connecting to neptune db

I'm getting this error message when trying to connect to a aws neptune db from a lambda: 2022-05-05T18:36:04.114Z e0c9ee4c-0e1d-49c7-ad05-d8bab79d3ea6 WAR