Category "spring-security-oauth2"

Derive tenant id for signed in user in OAuth2 based multi-tenant Spring Boot application using Spring Security

I am working on a Spring Boot B2B application, where I would like to onboard a considerable number of tenants. Each of the tenants has its own authentication pr

Spring Boot Oauth2 autoconfigure cycle after upgrade

I'm upgrading my application from Spring Boot 2.5.4 to 2.6.1 and having depency issues: **Description: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application

Where is the documentation for removing Oauth from Spring Security? [closed]

I know OAuth is now supported by Spring Security, so I want to review the official documentation so that I know how to safely remove it from m

OAuth2AuthorizedClient is always null @ azure implementation

I am currently try to get the refreshtoken because at a certain time the token will be unvalid and I would like to refresh my accesstoken. Problem is that OAut

Deprecated: KeyStoreKeyFactory is Deprecated

Since security.oauth2 is deprecated, what can be used to generate a KeyPair from .jks file instead of KeyStoreKeyFactory?

"Full authentication is required to access this resource" on spring oauth2 authorization server on /oauth/token request

I'm trying to create a page that will hold some user data that may be accessed through some client webpage. That brought me to oauth2 (authorization code) and S

Swagger UI being blocked by Spring Security

I am trying to implement spring security with JWT token, I am trying to achieve authentication with method level authorization My configuration looks like this

Customizing the TokenEndpoint in spring security OAuth2

I would like to customize how the TokenEndpoint works so that I can add additional parameters to to incoming /oauth/token rest call that I will capture and proc

Java - OAuth 2 using restTemplate to get login with refresh token (StackOverFlowError)

I created an interceptor to get the token before i do other request but i have the error "Method threw 'java.lang.StackOverflowError' exception." when i do the

Consider defining a bean of type '' in your configuration

I am using spring oAuthClient version 5.2.4.RELEASE By following the document link of spring security