I have a dynamic JSON file hosted on a remote server (acting as some kind of an API), and it also contains some Hebrew text in its values. How can I save the r
According to the HTTP Specification (w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.1.4), HTTP clients should limit their connections: Clients that use per
First I'm going to explain how I think progressive rendering works so you can correct me if I'm wrong or missing something. When you request a page the browser
I have the CORS extension on Chrome and the GET request works fine but the POST request does not. I get the error "method not allowed" but since I have the CORS
You still need to send requests from your computer to the website's server and back and forth. How can websockets make it so much faster?
I want to NOT serialize anything. I just want to return what is equivalent to HttpResponse(blah)
There is a directory that is being served over the net which I'm interested in monitoring. Its contents are various versions of software that I'm using and I'd
I created a Web API project in which the webpage on which I want to display the response from the API is not working. The web page shows "This
given the simplest HTTP server, how do I get post variables in a BaseHTTPRequestHandler? from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer class H
I'm building a server that allows clients to store objects. Those objects are fully constructed at client side, complete with object IDs that are permanent for
This might be a very basic question. But, the question that I am trying to address is that Webserver is there to handle HTTP Requests, So it's