Category "https"

Proxied IOS App doesn't send http/s requests? How are they fetching the data then?

I'm currently trying to intercept API calls of an IOS App. Why? I want to reverse engineer their private API and use it for more specific requests. However, the

Express Login With Redirect Using Node.js

I'm trying to implement a basic login mechanism based on this answer: In my backend I'm handling the login post req

Requests (Caused by SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.") Error in PyCharm requesting website

Using requests in Python3 Windows via Pycharm, and receiving SSL Module Not Available Error I've spent hours trying to figure out what could be causing this. I

Nodejs tls proxy same port other protocol

I hope to using https with rtmps protocols in same port. so i decide to using TLS server. Https was working well with chrome browser, but i facing issue with po

Issues when using w3data.js

I'm trying to use w3data.js for an all html website. The goal is to limit copy/paste from page to page by adding html includes. In my case I've created an index

Rails public folder items not available in production

I have a few items that are accessible just fine in development mode within the /public directory of my app: favicon.ico, robots.txt. I can view these in devel

GitHub authentication failing over https, returning wrong email address

Initiating a push or any other action with GitHub from the command line (over https, not ssh) that calls for the username and password not only fails but, when

Nexus Docker Registry - Failling anonymous pull

I'm using Sonatype Nexus as a Private Docker Registry. While it works with authenticated users, trying to use anonymous user to pull images doesn't work. This

How to log SSL handshake in node's https module

I have a server written in node which implements a secure two-way SSL web-server: var https = require('https'); var express = require('express'); var app = exp

Using client certificates in ReactJS

we are building a React UI platform website. We need to call a third party RESTFul service which requires us to attached a client certificate for authentication

.Net 6 Blazor app UseHttpsRedirection is causing many redirects

I have a .NET 6 Blazor Server and another .NET 6 Blazor Wasm site. Both work fine locally but when hosted on a shared hosting site get an error 'too many redir

URL containing the scheme but not the authority (hostname)?

Is it legal (and good practice, and well supported) to omit the "authority" component from a URL (typically the hostname) but specify a scheme (typically http:

Disable SSLHandshakeException for a single connection

I'm looking for a solution similar to this answer, but much safer. I'd like to disable the certificate validation, but for a single request only (which is all I

How to serve a Vue application over HTTPS for local development

I need to serve a vue application over HTTPS while doing local development. The application is being served with: npm run serve which runs: vue-cli-service ser

Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authorization Required"

I was trying to hit the https url for google api. Using the code below but its giving some errors. but i can hitting one google api http url and its working ve