Category "imshow"

Drawing zone over plt.imshow

I'm plotting some .tiff images using GDAL and matplotlib. Currently images look like the one in the example and I would like to mark a zone over the image.I hav

imshow subplot placement inside matplotlib figure

I have a Python script that draws a matrix of images, each image is read from disk and is 100x100 pixels. Current result is: matrix of images I don't know why P

Pyplot Imshow Autozoom to cut out Irregular NaN padding

I have the following code import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np array = np.pad(np.random.rand(300,300),10,'constant', constant_values = nan) fi

Python Matplotlib - imshow but with hexagons

Code is: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors example_data = np.random.randint(4, size=(40,44)) cmap = colors.List