Category "inline-assembly"

How can I call a rust function in rust inline asm module

I try to call my function just like the example code: use std::arch::asm; extern "C" fn foo(arg: i32) -> i32 { println!("arg = {}", arg); arg * 2 }

Adding two double precision floats in assembly language in C on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 64 bit Linux

I am learning ARMV8 assembly language on my raspberry pi 4 and I want to know the simplest way that I can add two floats whilst choosing which registers I use t

Why can't local variable be used in GNU C basic inline asm statements?

Why cannot I use local variables from main to be used in basic asm inline? It is only allowed in extended asm, but why so? (I know local variables are on the st

Expected ')' before token inline assembly error

I would like to learn some inline assembly programming, but my first cod snippet does not work. I have a string and I would like to assign the value of the stri

Confusion about different clobber description for arm inline assembly

I'm learning ARM inline assembly, and is confused about a very simple function: assign the value of x to y (both are int type), on arm32 and arm64 why different

Error in simple g++ inline assembler

I'm trying to write a "hello world" program to test inline assembler in g++. (still leaning AT&T syntax) The code is: #include <stdlib.h> #include &