Category "ionic5"

Uncaught Error: Type HttpClient does not have 'ɵmod' property

I'm creating a news app referring this link getting error while checking it fi

Storage not working after compiling in AAB on Ionic 5

It looks the storage is not working properly after compiling to API 30 and using .AAB extension, The code wasn't changed, it should appear a toast on the first

Getting install FCM plugin issue even if plugin is installed

I am building push notification for my app but when I am running my app on device I am getting following error: vendor-es2015.js:101693 Native: tried calling FC

How to select contact using contact.pickContact in ionic 5

I want to display selected contact using ionic native contact.pickContact. But the issue is this code doesn't work in case of one contact having multiple number

How to create the ionic slider with shows some pixels of next and previous slides in the present slide

i have created the sliders like this but i need something like this Here is my code <ion-slides [options]="slideOpts_slider"> <ion-slide> <img

how to open PDF URL into the app without downloading in ionic 5

i am already try with this plugin but no luck how to achieve like this

Ionic keyboard.isVisible property does not control element visibility properly

After many years of reading your answers I have my first question. SITUATION In Ionic Angular (v5.3.1) mobile application I'm trying to do simple task - hide el

Currency Pipe not found error inside the ionic 5 component

I'm using a currency pipe inside my page module without any issues. However, it shows a 'not found error' when using it inside a modal component. example usage

ion-content method scrollToPoint not working on Ionic 5

I am following this ionic5 and github documentation in order to programmatically scroll my page to a point. Following is the code getContent() { return d

ion-content method scrollToPoint not working on Ionic 5

I am following this ionic5 and github documentation in order to programmatically scroll my page to a point. Following is the code getContent() { return d

Disabled dates in ion-datetime (Ionic 4, Ionic 5)

The scenario I have implemented my ion-datetime into requires that certain dates can be disabled. Blockout dates. This is something that's fairly common in apps

Upload image to server using Ionic 5

I've been trying to upload a image to the server using Ionic 5 without any luck. After taking a image with the camera or selecting a image from the galery, and

react-leaflet map is not correcly displayed in Ionic 5

When i am trying to display map in mobile view i see broken map: - in this link is description why it doesn't