Category "ios"

How to validate ios app bundle without uploading to App Store

When I upload an iOS app to App Store, it validates the bundle and sends email if the bundle is incorrect. I was wondering if there is any way to do this in the

Flutter pod install error when i add package firebase_core

I added my Firebase project for ios and android. I did not have a problem in Anroid, but when I run it on IOS, pod install gives an error. The error description

Click on a MapAnnotation to expand view - SwiftUI

I have a MapAnnotation in SwiftUI. On user interaction with a annotation, can I display another piece of information, i.e., change the label or show additional

lib/home.dart:2:8: Error: Not found: 'dart:html'

I am new here and facing issues with the Android studio. I try to run main.dart (both ios and android) and get this warning message ** BUILD FAILED ** ↳ I

carplay-audio entitlement missing from provisioning profile

Apple has enabled the CarPlay capability for our app, but when I download my provisioning profile I can't find the entitlement

Incomplete file/copyright headers in Swift Package with Xcode 12 / 13

Is there any way to automatically add package/target name and copyright + company name to the header when creating new files while developing a swift package wi

Scrapy: Can't Crawling App store Reviews Page

Hi guys I'm having some issues to get data from this page from app store: app store reviews

Is there a way to create multiple notification channels in iOS like the system Calendar app?

Android notification has 'channels' where you can enable/disable notifications based on channels. Like enable notification for "channel 1" but disable notificat

How to make critical alerts in ios with expo sdk 42 managed

i have created an app for our local Fire Station with Push Notifications in emergency cases. This works as expected. Now the critical alerts entitlement request

Firebase chat adds message in other conversation when online

We have implemented a chat application both in iOS and Android which is 1:1 chat, and the structure is also well designed. Recently we figured out a bug which s

Encrypt Cache.db-wal file

I am building a react native app that fails on iOS penetration testing cause it stores in cache the results of some requests that happen in the app. Is there an

SPM with Git-LFS The operation couldn’t be completed. (XCBUtil.BinaryReaderError error 2.)

I have created a swift package manager which contains a very large file, that's why I have uploaded it in git-lfs ( Large file storage). When I add the Swift de

SPM with Git-LFS The operation couldn’t be completed. (XCBUtil.BinaryReaderError error 2.)

I have created a swift package manager which contains a very large file, that's why I have uploaded it in git-lfs ( Large file storage). When I add the Swift de

SwiftUI List not updating when core data property is updated in other view

@State var documents: [ScanDocument] = [] func loadDocuments() { guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else {

How to use fullScreenCover with iOS 14 but sheet for 13

Imagine you've built a screen that utilizes the sheet API to present modal sheets, and now with SwiftUI 2.0 you want to use fullScreenCover instead when run on

AVFAudio - Is it safe to perform file copy immediately after AVAudioRecorder.stop()

We start a voice recording via self.avAudioRecorder = try AVAudioRecorder( url: self.recordingFileUrl, settings: settings ) self.avAudioRecorder.record

Xcode 13 is missing settings for location services under iOS15

I updated to Xcode 13 last night. Today I find that if I run the simulator for iOS 15 there is no location services settings under privacy, yet on my physical i

Change UIScrollView's frame programatically (Swift 5)

How can I change the height of the frame based on the size of the subview programatically? scrollView.frame = CGRect(origin: scrollView.frame.origin, size: CGSi

React Native (0.63) Alert disappear automatically in IOS

I am using RN 0.63 and i am facing issue in React Native core alert.It popup and disappear automatically with second.I want alert should disappear when i click

How to use completion block for UIView.animate()?

I'm working on a project to learn animations and am having trouble using the completion block for the UIView.animate(withDuration:) func. MY animation is a shoe