quarkus serialize String as plain string, null as empty body(with http code 204) "foo" -> foo null -> (empty body) how to make it serialize String and nul
I updated my project from spring boot 2.3.8 to 2.6.7 and I upgrade the jackson version to 2.13.2 I set the JavaTimeModule like this: @Bean @Primary public Obj
I am trying to read data from snowflake and load it to other storage location. I am using snowflake jdbc driver 3.12.9 to read the data and jackson library(2.10
I have a YAML string where one of the attributes looks like this: description: | this is my description //imagine there's a space after description th
I've read many articles/threads and what not about how to enable Jackson's WRAP_ROOT_VALUE feature in SpringBoot (v2.2.2RELEASE) and none of them really work, u
We have recently migrated jackson-databind from 3.11.4 to version and springframework from 5.2.19.RELEASE to 5.2.22.RELEASE. after the migration we s
I'm upgrading an application that's hosted on WebSphere 9 running IBM JDK 8 from Spring 4.0.3 to 5.3.18. While doing so I updated the project's Jackson, Woodsto
I have a Spring boot application. spring-boot-starter-parent 2.3.0.RELEASE I'm trying to get a list of objects and expect to get something like this: { "i
I already googled this problem for almost a day and tried several fixes (including 4 or 5 from StackOverflow) but none of them worked. I have this POJO with ann
Jackson can deserialize JSON data into immutable objects. But by default the constructor or static factory method parameters have to be specified either using @
When I am deserialising into my class, for some fields, I would like to be able to tell the difference between the value being absent, or null. For example, {"i
I am trying to upgrade from Jackson-2.5 to 2.10 Below deserialization code was working for me, before but post upgrade the solution is failing with following er
I have the following XML Structure which I am using to create a Java Object. <TABLE NAME="AB" ID="10" CODE="ABC123" RANK="102" YEAR="2022" TIMESTAMP="
I found this question in other questions, but I think they are too old and they are not working anymore. I'm consuming an external service that returns a JSON a
Using Spring-boot RESTful service,in that receiving JSON file which contain DateTime in following format "2017-08-16T16:08:25.000Z" and JsonFormat tries are e.g
I am consuming a REST Api with RestTemplate. The response I'm getting from the API has lots of nested objects. Here's a little snippet as an example: "formular
We have a service which currently consumes JSON. We want to slightly restructure this JSON (move one property one level up) but also implement graceful migratio
I´m using protobufs with this concrete definition. message Hash { string category = 1; repeated KVPair content = 2; } message KVPair { strin
I need to write a custom deserializer for a class with generics. I couldn't find a way to do this, however I cannot imagine I'm the only one with this problem.
When I run the code below using groovy 3.0.2 I get an error because groovy/lib dir already has some older version of jackson and for some reason some of them ge