Category "data-visualization"

R data visualization: Is there a way to plot based on emmeans using ggplot?

I am trying to visualize my data separately as a bar graph and as a dot plot connected by a line. The experimental design includes 2 treatments, 3 levels for ea

D3 js filter select

I dont knoe exactly what is going on here tried everything to no success, here is my code, i am trying to add color by changing the opacity with the rgba, but i

How to split negative and positive bars by zero line in barplot?

My data have 2 numerical columns (positive and negative values) and 2 categorical variables. Now I want to plot negative and positive bars on same line, instead

Decision tree regression producing multiple lines

I'm trying to make a single variable regression using decision tree regression. However when I'm plotting the results. Multiple lines show in the plot just like

Having issue while creating D3.js charts as React components

I am very new to React, but I was trying to use React and D3.js for a data visualization web dashboard. I wanted to create D3.js charts as reusable React compon

Having issue while creating D3.js charts as React components

I am very new to React, but I was trying to use React and D3.js for a data visualization web dashboard. I wanted to create D3.js charts as reusable React compon

How to apply slope plot R code to another data

I have dataframe which represents sales by model within 2 different years. 'change' column stands for absolute change by models from 2020 to 2021 while '

R plotting code behaves differently for CSVs containing different data formatted the same way

I have two CSVs for experimental data measuring the effects of a two values of a single variable. Basically the code is the same except for the name of the data

dtale show in jupyter notebook

I am exploring this new Python package named dtale. It is very convenient for pandas data frames visualization. It worked onc

How to set space between the axis and the label in matplotlib

My code: #importing required libraries import numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import Polygon import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plotting data def func(x):

Hide all unselected edges in pyvis network graph

I have built a network graph using pyvis and it's very cluttered, as most of its nodes are connected (like the one on the left image but with more nodes and edg

How to make a pie() chart larger in R without it cutting off?

I am currently trying to make a pie chart with the pie() function in base R. How can I make it bigger? I have tried radius = 1.2, but this ends up cutting the c

Getting Errors when combining Bar graph with line plot in Sea born [duplicate]

I am trying to combine a bar chart(with hue) and line plot (with hue). I am able to plot them separately. But together, I get some garbage gra

How to hide text labels for rangeslider in Plotly?

I'm trying to plot a time-series plot with a range slider using Plotly in Python. import as px import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('https://r

How to highlight significant results in Tukey Test

I am using R in order to create a graph for my Tukey Test after my ANOVA analysis. This is the code: TukeyHSD(my.anova) Tukeytest <- TukeyHSD(my.anova) plot(

Is there a way to format plotly Sankey Diagram display?

I am creating a Sankey diagram with plotly as follows: import plotly.graph_objects as go fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey( valueformat = ".0f",

Is there a way to prevent the legend on plotly from moving up into the chart when its orientation is horizontal?

Context I am currently in the middle of creating a data visualisation web app. I am using Plotly to create a timeseries. I am having trouble with the legend. I

How Refresh chart js data with same variable name

I am facing an issue while refreshing the data using the same variable. Every time data get changed in a variable(mydata) but after an update the chart loaded w

How to automate running of Jupyter Notebook cells periodically

I want to integrate my jupyter notebook with my website, where I have written the code to fetch real-time data from MySQL server and do real-time visualisation

How to plot a histogram using Matplotlib in Python with a list of data?

How do I plot a histogram using matplotlib.pyplot.hist? I have a list of y-values that correspond to bar height, and a list of x-value strings. Related: matplot