Category "jenkins-pipeline"

Jenkins Pipeline - using P4Publish with submit operation never ends

I'm a little bit stuck and Jenkins P4 plugin documentation is minimal at best. I have a Jenkins Pipeline that do a P4publish + Submit operation as it last stage

Getting TimeoutException: Message: timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 300.000 only when using Jenkins for Switch Window on Chrome

I'm using different web urls in tabs in one browser, in order to get the required value from one website and add it to the other. I use a robot framework for th

Jenkins groovy regex pattern search and match in commit message not working as expected

I'm working with this pipeline where running tests from a commit message should be an option. I'm a novice in groovy and regex, but I have managed to get matche

How to prevent parameters created with Scripted Pipeline to replace the ones set on the UI?

With Jenkins Declarative Pipeline syntax, in the parameters block, the behavior of the parameters is like so: If the defaultValue of the parameter is customized

Jenkins agent none VS labels - block execution on delegated step

I have 2 workers, but only one of them has proper 'build stack' (should be used for build only), so I'd like to 'delegate' one step of my pipeline to that node.

Github PR triggers multiple Jenkins jobs but reports only the state of the last job

I currently have GitHub connected to Jenkins and for every pull request, GitHub triggers a Jenkins job which seems to work fine. I am extending this to trigger

Where is hudson.model.Run.Replay permission object defined?

Jenkins allows granting members (users and groups) Run.Replay (Run → Replay) permission by using UI: Unfortunately, Run.Replay permission it is not defi

Jenkins Tests results available but no trend-chart

I've a jenkins pipeline script which executes rake to test a webapplication using watir an selenium. The results are exported as XML-format in junit format. In

How to trigger multibranch downstream job with jobname/{env.BRANCH_NAME}

I've 2 multibranch jenkins pipeline jobs connecting same github project. I'm triggering first MB job ex. dev. branch, now on success of this job I want to trigg

Unable to Import Xray report to Jira

Starting to import results from test.xml ERROR: Step ‘Xray: Results Import Task’ failed: Unable to confirm Result of the upload..... Upload Failed!

User cannot get resource "services" in API group - Jenkins pipeline EKS deployment

I'm trying to deploy my docker image into the cluster using Jenkins. my Jenkins application is running in an EC2 ubuntu server. Initially, when I tried I was ge

Jenkins pipeline: How to checkout repository without triggering polling or tracking changes?

My project consists of multiple git repositories. One main repository, and other helper repositories. In jenkins pipeline, I want to checkout scm: all of them,

Running Powershell script in Jenkins Declarative pipeline

I want to run Powershell script on agent from Jenkins declarative pipeline. It hangs on the script execution step (click on Job logs) and i have to forcefully e

PIPE Connection to jenkins timing out

Any help sooner would be greatly appreciated I am using PIPE to connect to Jenkins pipeline from BB and using the below code in my BB.yml - step: &functiona

Jenkins launches 2 builds when manually triggered

I've noticed a recent issue in both our instances of Jenkins. When launching a job manually, it launches twice. I've no idea what is causing it, but it's happen

Jenkins launches 2 builds when manually triggered

I've noticed a recent issue in both our instances of Jenkins. When launching a job manually, it launches twice. I've no idea what is causing it, but it's happen

Jenkins Shared Library src class - unable to resolve class

I am looking for some guidance on the design of a Jenkins Shared Library class. Using global vars as shared library is working fine but everytime I define a cla

Why this error? "No such property: Entry for class: java.util.Map"

I'm following an example from JENKINS-44085 issue very-bottom comments about creating a stage map almost to the T, but when I execute my code I get No such pro

What is the difference between using the pollSCM and the Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers in Jenkins?

I've been using Jenkins and I've seen a lot of Pipeline examples (declarative ones) and I've seen some using the pollSCM property in the Jenkinsfile to trigger

Get Git Branch Name that Triggered Jenkins Build

I have a Jenkins file and a Git Hook that triggers the Jenkins build whenever a code is committed in any of the branches. I wish to print the branch name that t