Category "jenkins-pipeline"

Jenkins launches 2 builds when manually triggered

I've noticed a recent issue in both our instances of Jenkins. When launching a job manually, it launches twice. I've no idea what is causing it, but it's happen

Jenkins launches 2 builds when manually triggered

I've noticed a recent issue in both our instances of Jenkins. When launching a job manually, it launches twice. I've no idea what is causing it, but it's happen

Jenkins Shared Library src class - unable to resolve class

I am looking for some guidance on the design of a Jenkins Shared Library class. Using global vars as shared library is working fine but everytime I define a cla

Why this error? "No such property: Entry for class: java.util.Map"

I'm following an example from JENKINS-44085 issue very-bottom comments about creating a stage map almost to the T, but when I execute my code I get No such pro

What is the difference between using the pollSCM and the Scan Multibranch Pipeline Triggers in Jenkins?

I've been using Jenkins and I've seen a lot of Pipeline examples (declarative ones) and I've seen some using the pollSCM property in the Jenkinsfile to trigger

Get Git Branch Name that Triggered Jenkins Build

I have a Jenkins file and a Git Hook that triggers the Jenkins build whenever a code is committed in any of the branches. I wish to print the branch name that t

trigger the jenkins job from octopus

I want to call the jenkins job(automated smoke suite) automatically from the octopus(deployment tool), once the deployment is successful. The simplest way of do

jenkins declerative pipeline - fail build when coverage drops

using declerative pipeline syntax in a Jenkinsfile and publishing coverage report using cobertura as follows cobertura( coberturaReportFile: 'coverage/cobert

is it possible to read values from a tfvars file in Jenkins?

I have some terraform code that uses a map of tfvars to deploy multiple lambdas to Aws. it all works fine except I want to run the script in a Jenkins pipeline

How to import a class from a Jenkins Shared Library into the pipeline

I was using some global methods in the /var directory of the shared library, and everything worked fine. Now I need to keep the state of the process, so I'm wri

Discard old build in multi-branch pipeline job, doesn't really delete builds from server

I have multi-branch pipeline job in Jenkins: http://illinXXXX:XXXX/job/OC/configure and I checked the option for Discard old builds as below: I would have

Jenkins pipeline checking out to new workspace when previous build has been aborted

So I'm running into a specific issue, I have a Jenkins Declarative Pipeline (from an SVN hosted Jenkinsfile) that is configured to not run concurrent builds and

Jenkins Transitive Dependency between Global Pipeline Libraries

My setup includes 2 Jenkins pipeline libraries, e.g. lib_generic and lib_specialized, where the second one depends on the first one (will call classes and globa

Zip Command not found in Jenkins

I am trying to zip a directory in a Jenkins pipeline, my code is similar to this stages { stage('ZIP') { steps {

How to use the Jenkins MSBuild plug-in in a Jenkinsfile?

I have Jenkins v2.60.3 with the MSBuild Plugin v1.27 installed on Windows. I have configured the path to my msbuild.exe in Jenkins' Global Tool Configuration.

Trigger parameterised maven release with Curl

Using following command to perform maven release: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u user:jenkinscrumb --data-urlencode json=

Preventing default checkout in shared Jenkinsfile

I have a number of multi-branch pipeline jobs in Jenkins on Windows, each of which uses a standard procedural Jenkinsfile which contains various methods for run

Keep workspace when switching stages in combination with agent none

I have a Jenkins pipeline where I want to first build my project (Stage A) and trigger an asynchronous long running external test process with the built artifac

How to use source command within Jenkins pipeline script

I recently rewrite bash execution command into Jenkins pipeline. The old code is like ... source //Build //Test ... Now I use pipeline script

Abort Jenkins pipeline (workflow) build after timeout

Whenever a build gets stuck of fails somewhere the timeout kicks in but the build is not aborted and it is stuck running forever until you cancel the build, go