Category "jupyter-notebook"

Connecting Spyder to Remote Jupyter Notebook in a Docker Container

I have been trying to connect Spyder to a docker container running on a remote server and failing time and again. Here is a quick diagram of what I am trying to

How to shutdown jupyter notebook app (server) without using ctrl-c?

I run a jupyter notebook in the background on a Mac using >jupyter notebook & Because it is running in the background I can't use use ctrl-c to kill i

How to colour code points using Bokeh with gmap

I currently have a gmap displaying gps points, however, I was hoping there was a way to colour code my GPS points based on which month they were recorded ? I ha

how to load data to jupyter notebook VM from google cloud?

I am trying to load a bunch of csv files stored on my google cloud into my jupyter notebook. I use python 3 and gsutil does not work. Lets's assume I have 6 .

Jupyter notebook shows FileNotFoundError and is unable to run any shell

I have installed Jupyter: OS : 32bit windows 7 jupyter notebook version is 6.0.1. After installing it, when I try to open a notebook, it shows a kernel error

Automate the execution of a .ipynb file in SageMaker

I want to automate Jupyter's work. I created a function in AWS Lambda that when the S3 bucket receives a .csv file, it opens the determined instance of Jupyter

import a function from another .ipynb file

I defined a hello world function in a file called 'functions.ipynb'. Now, I would like to import functions in another file by using "import functions". I am sur

Cannot access Jupyter lab on Google Cloud Platform. Cannot find template: "403.html"

I have a virtual machine on Google Cloud Platform. I left a code running on Jupyter lab, which I accessed through port 8080, and I was checking its proper funct

Get notebook outline in sagemaker studio like in Visual Studio Code

When I use visual studio code with jupyter notebook, I have an "outline" tab in the left panels that display the Markdown section of my notebook for quick acces

Jupyter Notebook - Cannot Connect to Kernel

I've tried installing jupyter notebook using pip3 install jupyter. Every time i launch a new jupyter notebook, the notebook is unable to connect to the kernel.

Can you use a Jupyter notebook on my GCP VM to run TPU training in Google Cloud?

I am switching from running TPUs in colab to running TPUs in Google cloud. I am used to running training in the colab jupyter notebook, but from the GCP TPU qui

fix the location /nbextensions ressources in Jupyter

I'm trying to install and run Jupyter on Ubuntu 14.04. The installation seems ok, but when I open a browser and try to open a Python notebook, the browser pops

Why I can't see notebook in project Watson Studio?

I've created a project in Watson Studio, then want to create a Jupiter notebook, however, can't see this feature. Does anyone know why?

How to add conda environment to jupyter lab

I'm using Jupyter Lab and I'm having trouble to add conda environment. The idea is to launch Jupyter Lab from my base environment, and then to be able to choose

Jupyter notebook kernel not connecting

I have previously used Jupyter Notebook (python 2 and 3) on my mac. After not using it for a while, there seems to be a problem I am unable to fix. When startin

Anaconda doesn't launch apps

I have recently installed Anaconda but when I want to launch any app an error appears which says "exit code: 1". How can I fix it?

KernelRestarter: restart failed in jupyter , Kernel died

[I 10:43:53.627 NotebookApp] 启动notebooks 在本地路径: /opt/soft/recommender/jupyter [I 10:43:53.627 NotebookApp] 

How to store data from StreamingClient.filter() or .sample() from the Tweepy Module Twitter API v2

I want to store Tweets that have certain hashtags such as #cats for example. I can pull the 10 most recent Tweets by executing client.search_recent_tweets(query

'no module named cv2' import error on pytorch

I am currently studying Pytorch and trying to use the cv2 module. I am using Jupyter notebook and Windows. I have installed opencv like this: !pip install op

How to connect R conda env to jupyter notebook

I am creating conda environment using following code conda create --prefix r_venv_conda r=3.3 r-essentials r-base --y Then I am activating this env by fol