Category "jupyter-notebook"

Having issues to import imblearn python package on Jupyter notebook on Anaconda

I wanted to install imbalanced-learn using pip install imbalanced-learn. Then I have tried import from imblearn.ensemble import EasyEnsembleClassifier This imp

How can I fix "500 : Internal Server Error" on jupyter notebook due to 'tornado.web' not having attribute 'asynchronous'?

Jupiter notebook is not opening notebooks and shows a "500 : Internal Server Error" instead. What I did was activate an environment I need and launching Jupyter

Jupyter notebook & 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am trying the following code in a jupyter notebook if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths['APIMODEL_PATH'], 'research', 'object_detection')): !git clone

Change Default kernel in jupyter notebook

I am using ipython 6.4.0 on ubuntu 20.04 and using jupyter kernelspec list , I found, there are 2 kernels : practice_applied_ai python3 When I open any .ipynb f

Unable to save Jupyter Notebook in VSC

I've made changes to .ipynb-file in Visual Studio Code, but I'm unable to save it. I've tried 4 ways and each of them doesn't work: Ctrl + S (nothing happens) V

Jupyter notebooks + pull requests in bitbucket

Can anyone here share some recommendations and best practices for working with Jupyter notebooks and Bitbucket/git? We have the Notebook viewer plugin installed

Jupyter notebook not opening in VS Code

While setting up my new system, I am trying to run my notebook file on VS Code but as soon as I open VS Code it give me this error Failed to detect Jupyter Note

Google Colab code change always produces "TabError: Inconsistent use of tab and spaces in indentation"

When I make even a simple change in a file checked out in /root/model/ in Google Colab environment Intro, I get "TabError: Inconsistent use of tab and spaces i

Django shell_plus: How to access Jupyter notebook in Docker Container

I am trying to access a Jupyter Notebook created with the shell_plus command from django-extensions in a Docker container. docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm

Can VSCode interact with the kernel of current Jupyter notebook?

In VSCode, a script with: #%% a = 3 creates a Jupyter cell. Running the cell starts Jupyter server and evaluates the code in Python Interactive window. I wo

Jupyter notebook failed to process training data

I'm trying to make a classification on an image with the CNN algorithm. When I tried to run it on jupyter notebook(anaconda) it didn't work, but when I run it o

returning results from python script to variable in Jupyter notebook

I have a python script that returns a pandas dataframe and I want to run the script in a Jupyter notebook and then save the results to a variable. The data are

Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') but i've manually changed Nan values in my database to equal 0

I've been having trouble with my regression formula. my dataset hasn't got any Nan values as I went through my database and replaced any blank cells with the va

Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') but i've manually changed Nan values in my database to equal 0

I've been having trouble with my regression formula. my dataset hasn't got any Nan values as I went through my database and replaced any blank cells with the va

Python New Env created by Anaconda Prompt not showing in Jupyter Notebook kernel list

I created a new python env using Anaconda Prompt by using the following steps: conda create --name py3-TF2.0 python=3 conda activate py3-TF2.0 conda install ten

No module found error for every conda package in anaconda jupyter notebook

After installing the latest scikit-learn version (19) using conda in Anaconda Jupyter, all packages are showing ModuleNotFoundError - scikit learn, numpy, matpl

in Jupyter Notebook ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'plotly'

I installed plotly library using anaconda prompt and it is appearing in my conda list. I can use it in Spyder but when i Import it in my Jupyter Notebook it Sho

How to fix errors occurring on installation of Jupyter Notebook?

I am new to Python and try to install Jupyter Notebook from within a Windows command prompt window using: pip install jupyter But after a couple of minutes of

How to run a Python script in a '.py' file from a Google Colab notebook?

%%javascript IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) { return false; } %run I run this giving error saying fi

ImportError: DLL load failed when importing sklearn in Jupyter with Anaconda

I updated Anaconda, and since then I can't import sklearn in my Jupyter Notebook. Here is my traceback: -------------------------------------------------------