Category "karma-runner"

How can I execute ng test for all components of sub modul of Angular app

I have my angular app, declared like this: app.module.ts export class AppModule {} for which I can run tests with ng test MyApp Within this app, I have mul

Unexpected value 'DecoratorFactory' imported by the module 'DynamicTestModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation

This is my spec file: import { ComponentFixture, TestBed, async } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser'; im

CKEDITOR is not defined - Karma Angular Test

we have a component in our application where we use CKEDITOR but the karma is not able to load the editor while running the ng test which error ''CKEDITOR is no

After update to angular 13 my tests are not running

When trying to run my tests after migrating to angular 13 I get the following error. The tests were running just fine in angular 12. START: 07 02 2022 16:10:25.

Karma Chrome Headless not working on Jenkins

When I run the below setup with Docker locally on my mac everything works fine. But same setup does not work on Jenkins running on Ubuntu 16.04 ChromiumHeadle

Running a single test file

Is there a way to run ng test for a single file instead of for the entire test suite? Ideally, I'd like to get the quickest possible feedback loop when I'm edi

angular unit tests - start Chrome after successful build (taking long time)

On some machines building the Angular app takes more then 2*60s (default timeout for Chrome started by Karma to catch the content). Is there a way to force Kar

Karma reload debug.html on test file changes

When running Karma with autoWatch: true and singleRun: false, any change to my unit test files causes the tests to be re-run, and refreshes the Karma webpage at

Karma/Jasmine times out without running tests

I'm trying to run Karma/Jasmine from Grunt on a project generated with Karma launches P

Set default launcher flags when I run ng test without additional arguments

I need to pass custom argument to chrome in order to set locale: --lang en-US I've done it using customLauncher. My src/karma.conf.js: module.exports = functi

ERROR in ./src/polyfills.ts Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'zone.js/dist/zone'

I have an angular 8, that uses karma/jasmine to run some unit tests. I can run tests by executing the following command ng test but I'm getting the following er