1 Build File "C:\Users\Macking Crasher\Desktop\Nasmus\gl/1a.gradle Tanw: 19 Could not compile auslaste "C:users\Macking Crusher\Desktop\nashoploustd.greate'. st
When i click on multiple images of recyclerview then multiple audios start playing without stopping the previous one. It is getting irritating. I hope someone c
I am trying to pass array list data to one of my fragments in the nav bar from main activity. Is there a simple way to implement this? Or should I use activity
My understanding of companion object in Kotlin is that they are analogous to static modifiers in Java. It's bad practice to store static fields in Activities an
I'm trying to get the request's path with unresolved path variables in a WebFilter. I know in SpringBoot Servlet version it is possible to do this by getting re
I've this basic app called Navigation that I was trying to make to understand some concepts where there are 2 activities MainActivity and ActivityB MainActivity
Hey I am working in ktor. I want to throw exception in ktor. I am reading this doc and this example. I want exception, responseCode and errorResponse with error
I have a Room DB setup in my app and it was working well until recently when the app started crashing. It happens that I have a boolean value as a field in the
I have a data https://gist.githubusercontent.com/iva-nova-e-katerina/fc1067e971c71a73a0b525a21b336694/raw/954477261bb5ac2f52cee07a8bc45a2a27de1a8c/data2.json a
I have a vector drawable which has two paths with different attributes referencing to different theme colors. And these attributes' values are being changed by
I am making a reels type app. I have made a ReelsFragment and ReelsAdapter. I have used View Pager 2 to swipe views vertically. I am using Exoplayer to play vid
I have upgrade the Android SDK project 30 to 31. Also i am using the the Android Beacon Library for scanning the the iBeacon. Android 12 i am getting the frquen
The flow of recycler view function call is: getItemCount() -> getItemViewType() -> onCreateViewHolder() -> onBindViewHolder() The size of array list i
My Variable Class data class QnaVariable( val questionOne: String, val answerOne : String, val questionTwo: String, val answerTwo : String) My ViewModel Class
How to get the location while app is in background periodically and execute some task supportive with android 12 ?
I need to check if the device have internet connection, I search for some examples but when i copy and paste the code i always get errors or deprecated function
I'm trying to figure out why dependent projects for my Kotlin MPP library don't see any provided modules in their common modules even though the targets (jvm, a
I saw this crash over firebase and it is not reporducible in the emulator of same OS. Not sure what is causing it. Crash is occuring in samsung M32 OS 11. The c
I have an app on the PlayStore and I am building a feature where the user will not see ads more than a specific number in one day. I am thinking about comparing
Context In Jetpack compose, we have the option of using rememberCoroutineScope() as well as using the LaunchedEffect composable in order to use coroutines / run