I'm trying to start minikube on a Mac M1 (macOs Monterey V12.0.1) after installing minikube with homebrew (brew install minikube) but I am getting an error afte
AKS ingress with nginx and Key Vault certificates issue with creating secret from cert in vault. Cert is in the key vault has all required permissions. I've imp
The task I carreid out ↓ Hyper-V, Ubuntu 20.04, k8s 1.23.6, Docker 20.10.14 Installation Set up a K8s Cluster(Control Plane 1EA, Worker node 1EA) kubectl
I am reading the tekton docs on authentication it explains that two things are needed to do authentication Create a secret docs give example below apiVersion: v
We have a setup with Traefik as the Ingress Controller / CRD and ArgoCD. We installed ArgoCD into our EKS setup as described in the Argo getting stared guide: k
I am able to create an EKS cluster but when I try to add nodegroups, I receive a "Create failed" error with details: "NodeCreationFailure": Instances failed to
Looking for query/filter to list only certain deployments: if AVAILABLE column matches READY Example: NAMESPACE NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE app1 app1 1
I'm not clear what the difference is between kubernetes_config_map, kubernetes_config_map_v1andkubernetes_config_map_v1_data`? e.g. https://registry.terraform.i
im desperatly tring to figure out whats going on with alertmanager in my kubernetes cluster. I have been following the getting started for alertmanager Promethe
I have installed gitlab (v14.X) Operator runner on OpenShift (v4.6). The Runner successfully registered with GitLab for a specific project. The Log has followin
I have installed gitlab (v14.X) Operator runner on OpenShift (v4.6). The Runner successfully registered with GitLab for a specific project. The Log has followin
I have just set up my first K8s cluster in Oracle Cloud. And have a website running in it. Is there a way to use one LB instead of creating one for each K8s ser
My Elasticsearch7.8.0 is running in OCI OKE (Kubernetes running in Oracle Cloud). I want to setup Elasticsearch backup snapshot with OCI Object store using OCI
I fail to deploy istio and met this problem. When I tried to deploy istio using istioctl install --set profile=default -y. The output is like: ➜ istio-1
I want to create a small 4 to 6 nodes bare metal cluster with 2 control planes. The special idea is to give the control plane endpoint a special hostname (for i
I am running Rancher 2.6.2 with single-node K8s installation. I am trying to register an exisitng K8s cluster to rancher but it does not show any thing after I
I try to get some hands on experience with K8s & istio. I am using minikube and I try to deploy a dummy flask web-app. However, for some reason I do not man
I am trying to run k3s on a pre-installed cointainerd on the node. My goal in general is that when k3s is stopped, containerd will keep running. It is also pref
I have a quarkus application with a standard configuration. The application works as expected, in my local develop environment i'm able to set the log level by
After a successful kubectl rollout restart deployment/foo the kubectl rollout undo deployment/foo or kubectl rollout undo deployment/foo --to-revision=x are not