Category "kubernetes"

helmfile sync vs helmfile apply

sync sync all resources from state file (repos, releases and chart deps) apply apply all resources from state file only when there are changes sync

Spark on Kubernetes driver pod cleanup

I am running spark 3.1.1 on kubernetes 1.19. Once job finishes executor pods get cleaned up but driver pod remains in completed state. How to clean up driver po

how to update the etcd member list

my cluster have 3 master node, now I have shutdown 1 master node, then I check the member from etcd database: [root@fat001 bin]# ETCDCTL_API=3 /opt/k8s/bin/etcd

kubernetes flannel network is not working

network cant connected between (pod and pod) or (pod and node). enter image description here flannel.1 interface have same mac address: enter image description

Snowplow Collector on K8S does not use service account

It seems that we cannot make the Snowplow container (snowplow/scala-stream-collector-kinesis) use the service account we provide. It always uses the shared-eks-

Kubernetes pod unable to download from npm registry EAI_AGAIN

I have a minikube setup where a container needs to access npm registry when starting up. But the pod can not connect to npm registry. I was under the impression

how to replace or find correct path for kustomize

I have deployment and I want to replace "path" value in liveness probe section. What is correct path for this in kustomize? - patch: |- - op: replace

Cannot execute k8s module

My code in tasks/main.yml. - name: Check Istio services k8s_info: api_version: v1 kind: Service namespace: istio-system But it returns; An ex

How can I check cadvisor which is included in kubelet?

I have multiple kubernetes clusters, whose versions are 1.13, 1.16, 1.19. I'm trying to monitor the total number of threads so that I need the metric "container

Kubernetes ingress timeout annotations not getting applied to the Nginx ingress controller

Edit: Now working. We do not what caused it to not work before. We are trying to set a different timeout for one of our downstream services (location) for our n

Can I use a single elasticsearch/kibana for multiple k8 clusters?

Do you know of any gotcha's or requirements that would not allow using a single ES/kibana as a target for fluentd in multiple k8 clusters? We are engineering r

Condition if or "values" (not "values") in helm

i confuse with condition in helm, i set 2 deployment with 1 deployment create database, 1 deployment create application using range. {{ range $component := .Val

Kubernetes logs dump for some time range

Is it possible to obtain Kubernetes logs for a dedicated time range? All I can do right now is to make a dump of about the last-hour log for the single pod usin

Colima with Kubernetes -> How to change node port range

I am trying to change the port range of services in Kubernetes but I am not getting any success. I've tried a whole bunch of alternatives but most of them trust

Cannot install NVIDIA GPU driver 470.82.01 on the on Google Kubernetes Engine 1.21

I would like to run GPU nodes in a GKE cluster, that requires an installation DaemonSet. According to

GKE Cluster Audit

What are the points to be reviewed while auditing a GKE cluster? We have a production cluster and I would like to what all points need to be reviewed while audi

How to prevent a Cronjob execution in Kubernetes if there is already a job running? concurrencyPolicy:Forbid stops the cron job execution altogether

I need a cron job to run every 5 minutes. If an earlier cron job is still running, another cron job should not start. I tried setting concurrency policy to Forb

kube-proxy fails with CrashLoopBackOff in minikube

I am running k8s using minikube version v1.18.0 on Ubuntu 20. But kube-proxy fails with CrashLoopBackOff status. What could be the issue? I am using 1.18 versio

Unable to connect to gRPC server in Kubernetes cluster, but can connect when I port-forward [Connection refused]

Been stuck on this error for the past few days! I have an HTTP server that is meant to connect with the gRPC server through the client. It works fine on my loca

k6: connect test outputs to influxdb v2 from kubernetes pods

I'm using a Minikube setup for testing. On Minikube I have a App, the InfluxDB v2 and the k6 sample pods to test my App. Now I want to collect the test data in