I am learning how IR and llc work. I got started by looking at output of clang. I thought llc could be used to optimize .ll files further, but I can't get it to
I wanna get value and 861 from a return instruction, for example ret i32 %3, !dbg !861 and it's metadata !861 = !DILocation(line: 8, column: 5, scope: !857). Bu
I'm trying to compile lambda-expressions from scheme to llvm-ir and am having trouble with position independet code. source: (lambda (x) (display x)) targe
One trend in the compilation is to use typed intermediate languages. Haskell's ghc with its core intermediate language, a variant of System F-omega, is an examp
I want to write an LLVM pass to detect redundant condition pattern like this in c++. int a = ... , b = ..., c = ... //first if condition if(a == b + 1 - c){
I have been trying to install LLVM on my system [i7 + 16GB RAM]. I have been following this tutorial : LLVM Install. But in building, it eats up all the RAM and