I am reading the publication FIPS 180-4 and trying to implement SHA-256 on my own. On the page 15, title 5.3.3 SHA-256 we have an initialization of initial hash
I am working on Signature of data using ECDSA from Starkbank library and I can get the base64 format of the signature value MEUCIALlD6Xsd0Xdj7XTrD2gP4Q3PlssTxLO
I have a problem with Spring Security 5 Basic authentication. I've configured Spring like this: @Configuration public class SecurityConfig extends WebS
I wrote a method that takes a JWT as a request and checks if the signature is valid. This is the unit test: @Test public void isValid() { final JwtValidator
I received a task in college to compare execution time for calculating SHA256 in C# and assembly. It is supposed to be a simple WPF app with file input and 2 bu
I am working on encrypting a URL and converting a working script from PHP to ColdFusion. I have completed 95% of the work but I am stuck at this point after try
When we want to get the hash of a big file in Python, with Python's hashlib, we can process chunks of data of size 1024 bytes like this: import hashlib m = has
I'm trying to create a SHA256 object from MS Access VBA. I'm running Access 2016 on a Windows machine with .NET 4.8. Public Function Base64_HMACSHA256(ByVal sTe
I am looking for some function or a way that would return HMAC SHA256 hash in C++ using secret key. I have seen documentation of Crypto++ and OpenSSL but it doe