I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "com.google.android.material:m
I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "com.google.android.material:m
I've used "com.google.android.material.switchmaterial.SwitchMaterial" in that left margin having some space. How to reduce that? I've need align straight of the
I am doing show or hide password using below code pwdLayout.setEndIconMode(TextInputLayout.END_ICON_PASSWORD_TOGGLE); I am able to achieve show or hide passwor
I have been working with BottomNavigationBar in the flutter, but I am not able to select a Tab programmatically outside of onTap callback of BottomNavigationBar
I've got an error for 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' in styles.xml (the 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' is colored red because of err
Is there a better way to achieve click effect on ShapeableImageView with recent release of Material components v1.2.0 I do not want to use foreground property a