Category "material-components-android"

Set MaterialAlertDialog horizontal margins

I wrote a custom theme for all my (Material)AlertDialogs and applied it to APP's theme. <style name="MyTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar"> &l

Android dark mode follow system returns wrong mode unless killing the app

I'm implementing dynamic dark mode change in the app I'm working on and It's working great for MODE_NIGHT_YES and for MODE_NIGHT_NO but when I'm setting this on

Create MaterialButtonToggleGroup including MaterialButton(s) with customized style programmatically in Android

I'm trying to create a MaterialButtonToggleGroup with material buttons inside it and I wanna do that with custom styles. I was able to create that using xml, h

MaterialCardView crashes with material:1.1.0

I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "

MaterialCardView crashes with material:1.1.0

I am using MaterialCardView as my cardview layout. Now, Android-studio started showing me that instead of current implementation "

Can't get different state background for MaterialButtonToggleGroup

I'm using Material 3 ButtonToggleGroup, I want to have a different background when a button is selected. However, If I don't add any attributes to my style appl

How can I change the corner radius of Material Components Dialog (M3) in Android

See the pic at here I'm using MDC(3) for my project as first time and everything is going well until I see the dialog. What is wrong with that? According per do

How to reduce material.switchmaterial.SwitchMaterial end margin in android?

I've used "" in that left margin having some space. How to reduce that? I've need align straight of the

Show or Hide text using password toggle

I am doing show or hide password using below code pwdLayout.setEndIconMode(TextInputLayout.END_ICON_PASSWORD_TOGGLE); I am able to achieve show or hide passwor

Background adding more padding to Button

I have this simple XML file in my Android Studio. There are 2 buttons <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schema

Material Design 3: How to make Toolbars the same color as primary surface?

I'd like my Android app to have toolbars the same color as the primary surface (and the status bar -- which is already the primary surface color out of the box

How to change visiblity (visible, invisible or gone ) of setEndIconDrawable in TextInputLayout android?

I am trying to make invisible or visibility gone of endIconDrawable which is the edit icon in the picture above for FirstName field only and want to keep visib

Floating Action Button is not showing an image in Android?

As title says, I don't know how to fix this issue. I read this problem but that was in 2018, I'm not very familiar with all those libraries and dependencies how

Cannot resolve symbol Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar (Android Studio)

I've got an error for 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' in styles.xml (the 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' is colored red because of err

material slider and range slider tooltip not always visible

i wanted to keep the tooltip value visible always and also the text of tooltip should be background transparent. i tried

TextInputLayout Material Component Issue : The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents (or a descendant)

I am having a problem implementing a Material design with TextInputLayout, I know the solution is to make your activity theme inherits one of Material Component

How to achieve click effect on ShapeableImageView, min api 21 without nesting view

Is there a better way to achieve click effect on ShapeableImageView with recent release of Material components v1.2.0 I do not want to use foreground property a

Material Date Picker title is out of place

I'm having this weird issue when using MaterialDatePicker. While it works, the title and current date are not displaying as they should. Any ideas on what is ha