My data: names_col = ['Count','Freq'] dat = [['Matching', 56935],['Mismatching', 100587]] plot_df = pd.DataFrame(data=dat,columns=names_col) I trying plot stac
I am trying to combine a bar chart(with hue) and line plot (with hue). I am able to plot them separately. But together, I get some garbage gra
I can bind a click event to a plot (i. e. to print the coordinates that were clicked) like so: from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton import matplotli
Here is how I plot the decision boundary of my SVC` classifier. X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=2, n_redundant=0, n_clusters_per_class=
I have a matrix of N observations and F features. Among the N observations, 5 represent reference samples that I wish to compare with others (with distance or s
I calculate the eigenvalues of large matrices depending on a parameter and would like to plot the eigenvalues in different colors. So I do not have functions wh
I want to solve a system of inequalities A x <= b, namely to visualize the set of solutions of this system. Are there any ways to do this in Python? The solu
As in the title: pl = plt.contour(X,Y,Z,levels=[0]) paths = pl.allsegs I wonder how are the data points in paths ordered. Specifically is it oriented clockwis
I have a plot with the numbers 1-9 on the y axis. I have a data frame (gaze data) with numbers in this range over time. ex: 333337777772221115556668888
Is there a way to get from a to b in the following figure with scripting? I am using seaborn.clustermap() to get to a (i.e. the order of the rows are preserved.
Using python I'm trying to plot a sin wave and random distribution, then show where the ratio is greater than or equal to 3. I think I'm 90% of the way there bu
I have many scatterplots, that show subsequent events in time (i uploaded two pictures).I would like to separate these clusters of points and find their center
I have a nested dict that looks like this. {A: { 'apples': 3, 'bananas':5, 'oranges':6, 'kiwis':9}, B: { 'apples': 1, 'ban
I wanted to use matplotlib in colab but it didn't work. As this link says I tried both %matplotlib inline and %matplotlib notebook but they both didn't work. Bu
I have a relation such as 'x^3 + y^3 + z^3 - c = 0'. c is constant and would be any number, and of course the equation may be changed. How can
I have this below code in which I am getting data packets from UDP from the game. However, when running this code I am getting a blank plot, I want to plot Spee
I have a dataframe that looks like: User A B C ABC 100 121 OPEN BCD 200 255 CLOSE BCD 500 134 OPEN DEF 600 1
I'm pretty new with python. For the past two days I have been trying to figure out how to scale the color of a 3d plot (Antenna Radiation Pattern) with matplotl
I have data in which values are ranging from small negative values to positive 1000. Since the minimum and maximum differ by large scales, I first set locator a
I'm trying to use the latex interpreter for figure labels. I generate my figures using the matplotlib library. I am having trouble finding an answer to this co