Category "matrix"

Double lexicographic sorting of binary (0-1) matrices

I want to sort a binary matrix so that its columns and rows are both in lexicographical order by switching rows and columns. In other words, I need a double-lex

Intersect float rows in two numpy matrices with precision

I'm looking for rows in B which are close to any of the rows in A example: eps = 0.1 A = [[1.22, 1.33], [1.45, 1.66]] B = [[1.25, 1.34], [1.77, 1.66], [1.44, 1.

How do I fill Matrix4 with translation, skew and scale values in flutter?

Suppose, I have these values for a container of height 200 and width 300: scaleX = 0.9198 scaleY = 0.9198 skewX = -0.3923 skewY = 0.3923 translateX = 150 transl

Pythonic way to get both diagonals passing through a matrix entry (i,j)

What is the Pythonic way to get a list of diagonal elements in a matrix passing through entry (i,j)? For e.g., given a matrix like: [1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8

Run time error assigning cv::Mat element value using cv::Mat::at

In the following code I would like to assign a values to elements of a Mat variable in a loop. I get the runtime error below. pair<Mat, Mat> meshgrid(vect

Maya, turn off Segment Scale Compensate and keep pose unchanged in python?

I have already make many animations using Segment Scale Compensate, I need to import these animations to Unity, unfortunately, while SSC is enabled, animations

create cosine similarity matrix numpy

Suppose I have a numpy matrix like the following: array([array([ 0.0072427 , 0.00669255, 0.00785213, 0.00845336, 0.01042869]), array([ 0.00710799, 0.00

Finding a specific element in a matrix with set parameters

I created a code for financial options and there is one last thing missing to finish it. I want my code to find the implied volatility for a specific option. My

Using a matrix plot (matplot) as map and positions as locations

I'm interested in using a matrix plot as a field map and certain locations in matrix as specific plants (locations within field). I'm using this data: Field<

How to implement outer product of two vectors in Scheme?

I want to define a function in Scheme that will compute the outer product of two vectors. for example: (outerProduct '(1 2 3) '(4 5)) the output is supposed to

How can I apply fisher.test in R to a large matrix, and extract p-values to a new matrix?

I have a large matrix (12 rows, 53 columns) with counts of how many times genes in my clusters "A", "B", "C", etc. overlap with clusters created by someone else

Python Numpy - Treat really small numbers as zero

I want to calculate the Determinant of a Singular Matrix (which has a 0 determinant) with Numpy and when I print the determinant it shows a really small number

Why is numpy.linalg.pinv() preferred over numpy.linalg.inv() for creating inverse of a matrix in linear regression

If we want to search for the optimal parameters theta for a linear regression model by using the normal equation with: theta = inv(X^T * X) * X^T * y one step

How to create an origin-destination matrix from two vectors (in R or Stata)

I have a dataset of commuting by individuals, like this: id Origin Destination 1 1 3 2 1 4 3 2

jblas 2-d matrix multiplication

I want to compute 2d matrix-matrix multiplication using the Jblas library. But I failed every time to compute. Please help me to do this by giving an example w

Counting number of co-occurrences of words for a specified vocabulary and within a specified radius?

I have a vocabulary V = ["anarchism", "originated", "term", "abuse"], and list of words test = ['anarchism', 'originated', 'as', 'a', 'term', 'of', 'abuse', 'fi

Multiply 2x2 Matrix in Python Recursively? No nested loops or numpy

I'm having a difficult time finding a very simple program that multiplies two 2x2 matrices recursively. Can anyone help me out? Just need to multiply X and Y wi

Matlab Special Matrix

Is there a MATLAB function to generate this matrix?: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... n; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... n+1; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... n+2; ...; n n+1 n+2 ... 2*n-1]; I

Implementation of Matlab matrix inverse function in C++ with Eigen

So I need to re-write matrix right-handed division from Matlab to C++: At = (xPow*yPow')/(yPow*yPow'); I mocked some matrices: >> xPow*yPow' ans =

I want to create a 30x30 matrix array of 1s and 0s

I want to create a 30x30 matrix array of 1s and 0s. This will be a maze with 1's being the path and 0's being a wall. but this labyrinth should contain a way gu