I am trying to deploy a small springboot app on tomcat9 , the tomcat9 is on ubuntu 20 on my account in digital ocean . the problem when i am adding the spring d
I'm trying to figure out why dependent projects for my Kotlin MPP library don't see any provided modules in their common modules even though the targets (jvm, a
At work we have no direct connection to the internet. To fetch maven artifacts we need to use a local Nexus, which mirrors all of maven-central. I have a settin
Hi I am using the following gitlab yml file for setting up my pipeline. The project is a maven Java project. But I am not able to run all the steps successfully
I am upgrading spring boot version to 2.5.12 from 2.3.10.RELEASE because of the vulnerability issues. But I am getting below error while starting the applicatio
Running Spring Boot 2.6.6 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.1 I'm attempting to migrate an existing service to Kubernetes so I added a dependency on spring-cloud-starter-
Iam trying to pull an artifact hosted in github(company's private repo) but it is throwing an error: [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ------------
I use intellij to create a jar package, but it does not work correctly. After it is created and all the external library jar files are created as well, when I s
my Software version sonarqube 7.0 maven: 3.6.3 jdk: 17 sonar-maven-plugin: when I run mvn --batch-mode clean verify org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:so
When i try to run my spring boot application i get this Exception: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'conf
Hello fellow engineers! I have run into a problem when trying to create a FAT jar to execute the Cucumber tests. Initially, I have followed the guide to set up
I'm trying to create a minimal jre for Spring Boot microservices using jdeps and jlink, but I'm getting the following error when I get to the using jdeps part E
I have a java web application secured with OKTA. I have the below code which throws the below exception, Client client = Clients.builder() .
I am working on an open source Java Maven project which is using proguard-maven-plugin to obfuscate the application code. It is working fine until I have added
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.
I am trying to generate Java classes from this WSDL https://sedo.fss.ru/sedo-gateway/api/soap/SedoGateway?wsdl. I tried to do it with wsdl2java util, wsimport u
I have 3 proyects on maven, A, B and C B has a dependency to C. And A has a dependency to C. This is my pom From C <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I am trying to run a Cucumber feature file by Right Click > Run As > Feature File. But no action is triggered. Blank console output. What may be the case?
I am able to insert the data to mongodb collection. Same time Javers framework trying to insert the data to jv_snapshots collection. Data insertion to jv_snapsh
I try to run spring boot application in Docker, Circle CI. Please, check how my .circleci/config.yml file looks like: version: 2.1 jobs: test: docker: