In my application, I use two scrollbars and handle the movement of the slider in them using the function: afx_msg void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrol
Is there a way on how to decode a week code or ISO week date using CTime ? I am currently creating an expiration date that is based on week code. I'm having a h
I have a pair of ComboBox controls having IsEditable() true as well as false. When I am scrolling through my application or moving my application window (by cli
I am in the process of moving my existing desktop application to web. The GUI is developed using MFC/VC++ and the buisness logic is written in COM enabled VC++
After upgrading a big project to Visual Studio 2013, the program cased a crash (Program stopped working) on a normal computer. Now when I debug this program in
I have a MFC application which runs some embedded Python scripts. I am trying to make one of the dialogs this embedded script creates modal, but I am not having