Category "micro-frontend"

Proxy issue when navigating from micro apps to other micro app in Single-spa Angular application

I am working in micro front end approach using single-spa-angular framework.I have a root container application which runs in 4200 port and 2 micro apps say app

Angular Micro frontend taking time to load module on while navigating

I am using Angular 12 and implemented a micro frontend using Webpack5 Module Federation. Application is working fine, but the micro frontend application that I

Webpack module federation lazy loading remoteEntry.js

Am I able to lazy load apps' entry files when I am using React with ReactRouter? When I enter page there are many requests for remoteEntry.js files for each app

React context between microfrontends

TLDR; How to use a single context between react micro frontends? The application is divided into multiple Microfrontends or react apps. Each of these is running