I am provisioning some Azure infrastructure using Terraform. Included in the setup requirement is some configuration of an Azure AD registered app and this requ
We have multiple reminders like 5 minutes , 15 minutes and 30 minutes. We store them in our own database and send maximum time reminder with graph API create ev
I have followed proper documentation and examples. Also other methods are working fine, but message move is not working properly. Please look at below and sugge
I want to create Graph API client as logged in user. The device is Azure active directory joined device. Documentation says I should use Integrated windows auth
Starting May 13th, 2022 around 3 PM UTC, we are seeing several of our previously functional Teams bots built on the bot framework failing to send messages to us
I am using Microsoft Graph SDK for some requests however everytime I perform a GET request it does another request to get a token. I've tried reading documentat
As stated in the title, I am unable to list folders with FolderClass="IPF.Imap" using graph api /users/{user_id}/mailFolders/{folder_id}/childFolders. However,
I'm trying to make a script to add Calendar events to my main calendar in outlook using python and the O365 package. But I keep running into various issues with
I have a custom connector with microsoft graph api in my power apps and i have a request and a response with graph explorer, now my problem is they i can't iter
I would like to create an automatic step whenever I send certain emails with the subject line "Filing" and email body containing "filing done" to save these sen
We have an add in that works with user properties set as Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olInteger I have been asked to integrate that with MSGraph. According to thi
I am trying to add an attachment to a task using Graph API. Previously you can create and list attachments using Outlook Tasks enpoints in Outlook rest API and
I'm POST-ing to MS Teams Activity Feed Notifications via the Microsoft Graph API. However, the notifications are only being pushed through to the desktop and br
I am copying a file from one drive to another. As part of the body request, I am also providing conflictBehavior as rename (tried with replace as well) but the
I alreadey use the following method to upload files (docx, xlsx) to our sharepoint. Now i'm trying to upload images (png, jpg) to the same library. I don't get
We are making our own bot to record team meeting, but after adding compliance policy, I am geeting this error("API call not allowed for non-Compliance Recording
I am using client credentials flow of OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant. I have given the necessary permission Calendars.ReadWrite in my Azure application, whi
I'm trying to filter the results I'm getting from the Users/Calendar/List Events endpoint of the MS Graph API. While trying to figure out what's going on I've b
I'm trying to use the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK Library to query the Microsoft Graph API. I've had no trouble making some basic requests, but now I'm trying to m
Is it possible (using Graph Api) to filter query by recurrence/range/endDate event field? For other data types it works, but for the endDate field, which is a D