I am using webpack's CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin (docs). I initially configured it as recommended on the documentation optimization: { minimize: true, m
How to pass terser options to html-minifier-terser (https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-minifier-terser)? The docs do not show any way to send it, only general o
on dwitter.net i often see dweets that are encoded interestingly to minify the JS to character count. for example https://www.dwitter.net/d/22372 (or https://ww
Background I've been following more or less the official guide to setup a local dev environment with react and it seems to use create-react-app, which sets up
When testing my Symfony 2.8 based webpage with Google PageSpeed Insights I am getting warned, that the HTML code is not minified. This is true, while Assetic