Category "yum"

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist

I am trying to download java using yum on centOs which I specified in Dockerfile. After pulling centOs image the run crushed and throw this error!? also to ment

How to install Xvfb on RH8?

I need to install Xvfb on Redhat 8, however the usual way doesn't work: yum -y install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb No match for argument: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb Error:

failed to synchronize cache for repo AppStream

My centos machine has no connection to internet. I need to install make utility to compile some modules from source code. I am getting this error while i run yu

What is the safest way to get a newer version of a repo from yum on Amazon Linux?

I need a newer version of binutils on Amazon Linux to compile a piece of needed software. This is due to a bug in version 2.29 which is the latest available in

I am unable to install PostgreSQL 12 on Red Hat 8.1 after following official instructions using dnf

Official Instructions I have been trying to install PostgreSQL 12 but I get the following error: No match for argument: postgresql12 Error: Unable to find a mat

Error installing node js on Amazon EC2

I am trying to install Node Js and npm on my new Amazon EC2 instance but I can't succeed in doing so. I am referring to the official doc :

Install R packages using docker file

I have installed R using below line in my docker file. Please suggest how do I specify now packages to be installed in my docker file. RUN yum -y install R-cor

Centos: Could not retrieve the mirrorlist

I am not able to install any service by using the yum command. When I try to install httpd by typing [root@kstest /]# yum install httpd Loaded plugins: fastes