Category "mrtk"

Eye gaze data at a fixed rate using Holographic Remoting

I'm trying to obtain the eye tracking data at a fixed frame rate (30 Hz, as provided by the eye tracker in HoloLens2) and not tied to the Update() function of U

OpenXR FOV in Unity Editor too small for Hololens 2

I have a problem after switching from Unity integrated XR to Open XR when using Holoremoting. The Unity Editor FOV 29 deg, although the Hololens 2 FOV is 54 deg

the type or namespace name 'mixedreality' does not exist in the namespace 'microsoft' (are you missing an assembly refrence?)

I am currently developing an app for the Hololens 2 with Unity and mrtk. I am trying to get the Gaze direction from the GazeProvider.cs which is attached to the

OnHandMeshUpdated() not triggered in Mixed Reality Toolkit

I'm working on a Mixed Reality app in Unity. I'm trying to update my own hand mesh according to:

MRTK Photon Unity Networking 'AnchorModuleScript' namespace not found

While following the mrtk tutorial on multi-user capabilities, there has been one CS0246 error that I haven't been able to avoid. After importing PUN 2 from the